Nahalia woke up groaning at the throbbing head headache she had. She got up to go get some medicine out of her pantry where she kept her medicine. looking at her clothes she looks at the white tee she had on and shorts. Not remembering how she got them on nor how she got home she started to think about it but it making her head hurt a lil more.
walking past her black and white theme living room she seen a body like figure laying on her couch. "wtf .. is that .." she thought to herself . quickly walking over and snatching the throw cover the figure had covering them off. Zamari shot up. "ohhhh myyy goshhh you just scared the fuck outta me bro"
"my fault" he said looking at the girl who was standing there with a white shirt on and some too little shorts. "did you drive me home? Did you change my clothes? Did you see m-" he cut her off "no Nahalia I didn't see anything and yes I drove you home you was white girl wasted yo ass couldn't even walk straight bra" he laughed remembering the girls drunk moments.
Nahalia covered her face in embarrassment . "that's embarrassing as fuck" she said walking away "naw you good you was just having fun" he said stretching. "So whats your real name" Nahalia asked walking into the kitchen to make them something to eat because she didn't want to take pills onna empty stomach and didn't wanna be rude and not feed him after he was nice enough to take her home after all .
"point to yo nose" he said trynna let her know she was being nosy but she just made and confused face while pointing to her nose slowly. "What's that gonn-" but she cut herself off getting his lil joke. "You not funny at all" she said rolling her eyes getting the pots she needed.
"im just fucking wit you my name Zamari" he said laughing . "that's pretty you and my older brother names are kinda alike" she said.
"what's his name" he asked "point to your nose" she said trynna get him back for calling her nosy wit his lil joke . He laughed she smiled at his laugh looking at his deep dimples he had on both sides and grills . "Some on my face?" He asked her smirking seeing she was checking him out.
"yes slob and crust" she said while giggling . He looked away smacking his lips . "You can go wash up if you want I'll go get you a towel and a toothbrush" she said . "okay preciate it" he said walking behind her to get it looking at her ass that was sticking out the too little shorts she had on and her thighs that was moving everytime she walked . "You scared of dogs Zamari?" She questioned remembering everybody don't like dogs and her dog like to jump on people and bark at new faces.
"naw you gotta dog?" He questioned "yea he small tho but he will bark at you". She said walking in her room just as Yoshi stared barking in the crate . " He fat as fuck" he said bluntly she gasped dramatically "whatttt my dog is not fat he just chubby "she said rolling her eyes . "you fat as fuck the fuck" she said taking up for her baby.
"Mmtch never let that lil nigga out tho" he said wanting to play with the fluffy fat dog. "you can do it im boutta get your stuff for you. " ite" he bent down to let the dog out the crate and he instantly started jumping and playing with him.