Chapter 20

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Atlanta GASame night Police station

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Atlanta GA
Same night
Police station

"I got all day Mr. Jones" detective James said chucking. "You have a family to get back to, a kid a new little hoe I see" he said obviously trying to get a reaction out of Zamari and they way he referred to Nahalia got him to finally talk after being silent the whole 2 hours they were there.

"Watch yo mouth James" Zamari said locking his eyes on his. "It's detective Moonie to you" he said clearing his throat and breaking eye contact obviously getting a little nervous now that Zamari had started to move a little. "I don't care what yo name is watch how you referring to my fucking wife". He said getting a little louder "my apologies"

"Well this isn't getting anywhere so we just put you back in the cell" James said leaving the room. Once he walked out Zamari blew out a frustrated breath reaching down in his pocket to pull out his phone, fortunately they only got him in here for questioning so all the extra pat down bs wasn't needed for yet.

"Are you okay?" Nahalia asked once the call connected "yea I'm good they only got me down here for questioning but I gotta feeling ima be down here longer somebody obviously been running they mouths" he said letting out a sigh "oh" Nahalia said not knowing what to say because this right here is what she was afraid of. "I'll be back by tomorrow tho ma my lawyer gone be in the morning so this all can get handled"

"ok" she said obviously still not knowing what to say about this whole situation "you okay mama?" He asked since she wasn't really talking "yea yea im okay" she said getting out her thoughts "what about Ki?" Since the police made there dramatic appearance Ki got scared and of course came to get in the bed with Nahalia. "You can drop him off to my moms" he said

"Zamari I told you I didn't want to deal with stuff like this you told me stuff like this wasn't gonna happen" Nahalia finally spoke her true feelings "I know I did baby i swear nothing like this ever happened before somebody out here in they feelings" he said "you need to work this out fast you have a family Zamari this ain't no high school bull shit you have stuff to come back home to,you need to rap this shit up" hanging up and turning over Nahalia finally decided to get some rest after making sure he was okay

Zamari groaned in frustration for the umpteenth time but he couldn't even be mad at what Nahalia said it was time for Zamari to rap this up he did have a family at home and he needed to back to them asap. Picking his phone back up he called up his lawyer. "Wsp Mari?" Blake Zamaris 4 year said once they call connected "yo wsp Blake i gotta lil problem at the station come down here tomorrow morning" Zamari said

"Alright will do" Blake said, Zamari ended the phone call and a guard came in obviously to put him in a cell.

6 hours later it was now 9:45am Zamaris lawyer and Zamari both where in the integration room Blake doing most of the talking "he's running drugs in and out of the clubs he owns, he has prostitution houses and drug houses" James said "your saying all this and have yet to pull out any proof of this going on Mr.Moonie" Zamari shook his head

"I don't have proof yet-

"Yet you don't have proof yet all you have is somebody running there mouth for a couple hundred dollars most likely lying anyway, so when you get proof of my client running all of these business you have listed then that's when you can come to my clients home and rush in until then he shouldn't even be here Mr. Moonie, you know the rules better than anyone" Blake said James rubbed his hands down his face and let out a sigh making Zamari chuckle "your free to go Mr. Jones" James said "if you say so James" Zamari shrugged getting up.

"Ivy!" Zamari closed the door with his foot since his hands had a white plate full of breakfast. Not hearing a response he sat the food down on the counter and walked to the room seeing the bed empty and made it reached down for his phone calling Nahalia and it went to voicemail . Next he called is mom to make sure Ki was there.

"Hi Azir" she said once the call connected "wsp ma Ki there?" He said "yes Rose dropped him off she's very upset with you what have you done?" She said softly "went to jail" walking back to the kitchen he opened the food he brought for Nahalia and started eating it "you just gone casually tell me you went to jail? No explanation?"

"It was just questioning ma but i think somebody tried to rat on me I don't even know why she mad though it was only questioning she being childish" he said shaking his head. "She's not being childish your being childish"

"How?" He said "because your too old to be in this street shit you have real business and shops to put money in your pockets allllll day why decided to throw that away for some drugs? She loves you and Rose wants to start a family and become a wife she's not gonna be some down chick waiting for you to get out of jail" she said breaking it down for Zamari

"It's not like that tho ma I just slipped up" he said sighing "yea but all it takes is one slip up just one and by the way Nahalia came in here it seems like yall already did" she said hinting at some. "Wym we already did?" Confused of course "go see her and talk to her" she said "okay thanks ma I love you" he said "I love you more baby" she said hanging up.

Zamari got up and walked out the door heading to Nahalias condo. Once he made it he used he's spare key to open the door hearing crying coming from Nahalias room lhe scrunched his face up in concern and opened the door. "I'm sorry mama" pulling her into his chest she continued to cry and I felt her put something in my hand. I looked down and seen a pregnancy test. "I lost it Zamari it's gone" she said crying louder. I didn't say anything just kept her in my arms

"I didn't know" she said sniffing "i know baby it's not your fault" he said kissing her face repeatedly "I feel so disgusting" Nahalia cried harder and held on to Zamari tighter not even knowing what to say apart of him thought it was his fault for stressing her out with all the drama he had going on. First it was Kior mom mess then going to jail. "It's your fault Nahalia don't say that"

She just kept quiet and after about 15 minutes he heard light snores. He laid her down and just looked at her. Zamari didn't think Nahalia was disgusting at all to be fair he thought he was he felt terrible for possibly being the reason that they just lost their first child. He didn't just feel disgusting he felt monstrous almost. Not being able to be in the room anymore he walked out with tears brimming in the corner of his eyes.



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