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Jongho pov:

As we watch the film, everyone is chatting amongst themselves and laughing at the funny scenes. "joongie itsss ywouss!!" Hwa says excitedly shaking him and pointing at the minions on the screen. Mingi starts giggling at the observation, as does the rest of us. "korwean bwig miwnionnn!!" Mingi shouts now pointing at Hongjoong too. "Noooo stopppp," our leader whines, pretending to pout, as we all continue to laugh and watch the movie.

As the movie continues the littles giggle and make jokes having the best time. Around the end they settle and begin to get sleepy, especially because it's getting late. "jongiee, mwes twired..." Hwa whines into my lap, cuddling into me harder. "okay bunny, lets get you to bed." I say smiling at the sleepy little, scooping him up and started to carry him to his bed.

As I carry him I see Woo taking Mingi to bed too. "Hey, Woo. Can we talk after this?" I say because I want to get some more information on littles. "Of course, Jong" he says smiling. I walk into Hwa's room and lie him down gently. I grab the blanket to tuck him in, then I hear the door.

"I think you forgot someoneee.." I turn to see Hongjoong entering quietly, with Toothless in his hands. "ah, thank you hyung." I whisper, as he tucks toothless in with Seonghwa. We both give him a cuddle and a kiss on the head. As we go to leave we hear a little whine from behind us. "pwese donts gwo.." We both turn to Hwa and his sparkly brown eyes, staring at us. "Bunny, Joong will be back soon, it's not our bed time yet." I say softly, walking back over to stroke his head. "buts mwes wan cwuddles two sweep..." He whispers pouting. I just keep stroking his hair hoping he will settle down soon. But then Hongjoong speaks.


Hongjoong pov:

"I'll sleep with him Jongho" I say softly walking over to them both. The little's eyes go wide. God his boba eyes are the cutest. "You sure hyung? It's still early for us" Jongho replies, chuckling lightly. "Yeah Jong, don't worry. Plus I could use catching up on some sleep" I smile. "Now let me get in and cuddle this cutie." Jongho gives Hwa another kiss and a pat, then leaves with a whispered goodnight.

I get comfortable in the bed with Seonghwa, having him cuddled into my chest. I don't usually like skinship, but with Hwa it just feels natural. I feel him get comfy beside me and I hear another little whisper from the little. "fank yous joongie... i's wub chu..." He whispers sleepily, cuddling into me harder. "it's okay, Hwa. I love you too baby" I whisper, stroking his head. I give him one last kiss on the head before drifting off into a much needed sleep.


Jongho pov:

I leave my hyung's room after saying a soft goodnight and return to the living room, where everyone is playing video games like we do every time we have a week off. I sit in-between Woo and Yeosang, who are playing games on their phones. "Where's Hongjoong?" Yeosang questions as I sit. "He's gone to sleep with Hwa. He wanted us to stay and Joong said he would." I explain. "To  be honest, they both need the rest." He says with a sigh of relief. I nod agreeing with him.

Wooyoung then looks up from his game. "What did you want to talk about jonghooooo." He sings, poking my cheek. I roll my eyes at him before I speak. "I just want to know more about little stuff and how we should help them. I want to be the best I can be." I explain to him. "of course jongggg. We're all still learning together too so you don't be be worried if you are." Woo says smiling, putting my worries to ease a little. "What do you want to know currently?" I think for a second because I want to ask about a lot. As I'm thinking San and Yunho sit with us. 

"What we chatting about over here?" San enquires. "Jongho wants to know more about littles, so I said I'd help" Woo explains. "Ooo I can try and help too!" San says enthusiastically. "I want know more too." Yunho says and Yeo nods in agreement. "Let's get teaching then!" Woo giggles, clapping his hands. Everyone laughs, this is going to be fun. 



Aren't the littles just the cutest?! And The group want to learn about littlespace so they are better caregivers, how sweet!

Sorry for the slow updates guys! Writers block is really coming for me!

Also, Thank you for 1.6k reads!!

Remember you are loved and worthy of love <3


- Mel -

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