Weekend Plans

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The word "pal" somehow got added to my habitual dictionary and idk when or why

"Oi! Ei. Hurry up." Two loud knocks rattled off the door as Bakugo's voice called out.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming." Slinging his backpack over one shoulder Kirishima hurried out the door to his impatient friend.

"Finally," after taking a moment to straighten Eijiro's tie, the two headed downstairs. "Next time I'm not waiting on you."

"Yeah, yeah, sorry. Jus' overslept."

"Figured. You sleep like a damn brick." He said as they stepped out from the stairwell and into the bustling commons. "You have breakfast yet?"

Kirishima shook his head, still half asleep, his hair falling loose in front of his face half-styled. Snagging an apple and a protein bar from the kitchen counter, Bakugo tossed the bar into his friend as they walked and bit viciously into his apple, taking a surprising chunk out of the reddish flesh. Fumbling with the wrapper for a moment, Kirishima tore open his bar, slowly nibbling on it as they started off toward the main school building.

The sun had barely risen but heat already began to lay thickly on the city, light breezes and slight blue shadows carrying the only occasional relief from the molten sunbeams already beating down. Kirishima tied his blazer around his waist and rolled up his sleeves, he was already pretty disheveled, by that point he was beyond trying to look presentable anymore. It was blistering for a May day.

As usual they arrived on time and took their usual seats, having a few extra minutes before class started to waste however they saw fit.

Slowly, classmates began to filter in, seats gradually taken as a light chatter filled the air, growing louder until Aizawa entered, his presence immediately silencing the room. He ran through that day's announcements, including: upcoming due dates,  activities and giving notes about the upkeep of the dorms.

Kirishima rested his head on his hand, only perking up at the mention of afternoon gym time—a decent reward for enduring the bores of the morning, but, unfortunately, there were many such bores that day.

Although he was understanding the math concepts that didn't prevent the class from boring him half to death. English wasn't much better but he never got that sort of stuff anyways. Thankfully, Bakugo always understood all that weird symbolism, metaphors and other confusing literary stuff, loudly calling out the answers to each question and begrudgingly whispering an explanation whenever Eijiro flashed him a look of utter confusion.

When the lunch bell finally rang, Kirishima stuffed his books and papers haphazardly back into his bag, chatting with Denki and Jiro while they waited for the rest of their friend group to pack up.

The halls were still crammed with people when they emerged but thankfully the cafeteria line had mostly cleared up by the time they arrived, quickly grabbing their lunches and settling around a table near the middle of the huge lunchroom. Everyone was abuzz with excitement for gym time, even if it meant endless conditioning or endurance, it felt way more interesting than sitting around listening to lectures and taking unhelpful notes.

Kirishima scarfed down his katsudon, eagerly chattering about recent news on a major new hero agency in Sendai while Mina and Denki googled the agency and rated each hero by how hot they thought each member was—nothing more than their usual lunchtime banter.

After lunch, the boys split from Mina and Jiro, heading for the locker room to get a head start on changing into their costumes. Tossing his uniform on the bottom of his locker, Eijiro adjusted and readjusted his toothy mask until it finally sat right on his cheeks. Checking himself one more time in the mirror, he brushed out a few wrinkles on his sleeves and fixed a few of his hair spikes before sitting up on the vanity to wait for the others.

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