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Never been into Sonic except for snapcube dubs but y'all's fandom is really funny, glad I stumbled across it

Katsuki glared at the rainbow tinted milk speckled with disappointingly soggy frootloops. He didn't usually eat this overly sugary crap, but after clearing out the kitchen, there was literally nothing else in the cabinets and he was starving. After a few bites he'd already begun to feel a bit sick from the sugar blast and pushed it off to the side where it was promptly intercepted by Kirishima, who happily scarfed the soggy cereals down with unbelievable glee.

The commons were abuzz with a flurry of activity, boxes and suitcases starting to clutter the corners as their classmates rushed around, trying to keep track of the last few things they needed to collect before check out at 2 o'clock. Unable to bear the chaotic rush, Katsuki rested his head against the table, watching his friend finish breakfast and blabber on about uninteresting things. Chirping with a notification, Kirishima's eyes fixed on his phone screen, before he begun tapping intently on the screen and glancing between it and the window, seemingly, trying to get a view of something that appeared to be just out of sight before his attention returned to the table, immediately noticing Bakugo's inquisitive expression.

"My mom lent us the car for move out." He explained, taking a bite of cereal, which was absolute mush at that point.

"Ah, that's nice. Tell her I said thanks." He yawned and stretched back in his chair, peacefully waiting for his friend to finish eating.

Aside from the turbulent undercurrent of anxiety consuming the rush and clutter of their classmates, the day was quiet. After washing their dishes and collecting Katsuki's thermos from the dishwasher, they began shuffling boxes and belongings down from their fifth-floor dorms and out to the car (Kirishima's Mom's generously loaned mini-van). It took some Tetris-style packing but they managed to smash everything into the trunk without much issue. At first, they'd attempted to separate their things, though it ultimately fell apart. In the end it really didn't matter much since their belongings were quite intermingled before the pack up; the pile of Katsuki's laundry that had been beneath Eijirou's desk for months made it into the Eijirou's boxes and Eijirou's crumpled up homework likewise made it in with Katsuki's books.

With everything packed into the car, they headed back in once more for a final sweep of their rooms, hoping to ensure nothing would be forgotten.

Quickly finishing his once-over, Bakugo appeared in the doorway of his friend's dorm, quiet as his eyes moved through the empty space, as Kirishima was still fluttering about in every crook and corner. Rising from a glance beneath the bed, Kirishima noticed Bakugo's gaze as it shifted over the blank canvas of a room, an eyebrow quirking as he studied his's friend's quietly calculating eyes.

"What? Did I forget something obvious?" He guessed.

"No," crossing his arms over his chest, Katsuki leaned on the door frame, his tone quiet but unsteady. Kirishima following his friend's eyes, not spotting anything of notice.

"What's on your mind?" He asked after a beat, resting his hands on his hips and failing to catch the attention of darting crimson eyes. They were quiet for a while, listening to the relaxed hum of the A/C, the walls a ghostly echo of that year's memories. Kirishima attention fixed solely on Katsuki, looking like a star amidst the barren expanse of unoccupied space.

"Looks weird all empty." Bakugo exhaled finally.

"Yeah, I know."

"We should get going." Clapping Bakugo's shoulder, Kirishima attempted to lighten his friend's grimace with the gesture. "D'you wanna drive or should I?"

"I can." Tossing him the keys, Kirishima led the way down the hall, the soft click of the door echoing through the strangely quiet hallways, neither looking back but talking lightly as Katsuki twirled the car keys around his finger in a usual habit.

Downstairs, Kirishima said his goodbyes, giving out hugs and words of confidence as Bakugo stood by, waiting patiently and claiming not to care about 'all those losers' but still offering a brief courteous goodbyes when forced to. After far too much talking and gushy well-wishes, Bakugo practically dragged him out to the car, breezing into the drivers seat with recovered grace.

Blasting the radio, Bakugo checked his mirrors and cautiously reversed, avoiding Eijiro's explosive smile.

"Dude, you look like a soccer mom."

"You look like I'm gonna kick your ass as soon as this car is stopped,"

"Now you sound like one too." He retorted slyly, knowing his friend wouldn't pounce at him while they were driving.

"I will leave you on the side of the road."

"I can't count how many times my Mom has said that." Knowingly Kirishima smirked, his friend'd eye twitching as he turned up the radio, trying not to either crash or laugh, and indecisive as to which would be worse.

Rested his elbow out the open window, Kirishima admired Katsuki's fixed glare as he kept focused on the road, a finger reluctantly tapping the worn steering wheel along to the beat, picking up a quiet humming to the familiar lyrics as the moment settled in.

It wasn't a long drive out the suburbs, a mere 20 minutes, but the liberating heat of freshly bestowed summer and the crisp breeze flowing through the windows felt like an eternity of basking in glory. Despite how long it'd been since they move into neighboring dorms, Bakugo still remembered the route to Kirishima's house by heart, never bothering to confirm a turn and even successfully utilizing the little-known short cut, his automatic memory and the way he drove oddly soothing, easy and familiar in an almosy homely manner.

The first house after the corner, Bakugo reversed into the garage, mimicking to his best ability the way he'd seen Kirishima's parents do many times before, leaving enough room to pop the trunk but still being a good distance from the garage door. They retrieved their backpacks of weekend clothes and other such necessities and Katsuki smoothly unlocked the garage entrance with the key he knew to be under the rug. Kicking their shoes off and dropping their bags by the door, they draped over on the living room couch, and breathed in the sweet relief of school being over.

Honestly, if Kirishima didn't know better he might as well have guessed Katsuki lived there longer than he had, truly appreciating just how comfortable their friendship was. Through the ease of the quiet house, his stomach let out a guttural growl.

"Hungry?" He prompted.

"I thought you'd never ask." Excitedly sitting up, the two made their way to the kitchen to scrounge around for snacks, eager to eat and chat and waste away their afternoon on the couch.

Just found out I was so stressed and my chest was so tight that I strained my back. wtf that's not even a thing. nerd ass injury.

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