Two Months

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Brokeback Mountain broke my heart

Steam curled from the mug, visibly dashing in the morning sun, lip print half-smeared on the edge. Kirishima slid a plate across the counter, a crudely split muffin leaving a few crumbs in the wake. They settled down on the couch, talking in hushed tones while they ate, hoping not to wake Eijirou's parents. Kirishima turned on the television, some lazy cooking show lighting the screen in pastels soothing as the quiet dews clinging to the windowpanes. Katsuki's eyes remained far from the television. Muffin crumbs stuck to Kirishima's cheek fell indelicately to the plate, a few tumbling onto his ratty t-shirt.

"So..." he started, interrupting himself with a sip of his drink, trailing off listlessly.

"So...?" Kirishima parroted, making eye contact.

"Did you pack your bag yet?" The tv murmured a low hum, but it was suddenly quiet.

"I'm just going to take the same bag I packed from school." He shrugged, yawning wide as he brushed messy artificially red hair from his face.

"Isn't that mostly dirty stuff though?" Bakugo asked through another sip, his eyebrows slightly quirking.

"Eh, I was just gonna do my laundry when we get there."

"Ei..." Rolling his eyes, Bakugo stood, finishing off his drink and taking his and Kirishima's empty plates to the kitchen, Kirishima following behind to wash the dishes while Bakugo disappeared upstairs for a few moments, returning and ducking down the hall. Drying the last dish, Kirishima flipped the towel over his shoulder and peered around the hallway, following the soft sound of his friend and the light around the corner.

"Dude seriously—" he started, Katsuki nudging shut the washing machine door with his knee as he measured out a cupful of detergent, pouring it in and hastily starting it.

"Too late." He smirked, flipping off the laundry room light and breezing past his friend.

"I don't have time to—"

"Don't worry, I'll fold it." He assured, voice echoing loosely down the hallway, the airy joy of of a smug smile in his words. Scoffing through his own smile, Kirishima followed him back to the living room, where Katsuki was already sitting, pretending to be interested in the TV.

"You're so annoying for that." Kirishima smirked, sitting on the back of the couch beside Katsuki, who toyed with the small decorations of a throw pillow not stopping when he looked up, a playful glint suddenly reflecting in his eye.

"I know." Yanking on the back of his t-shirt, he pulled Kirishima down, an abrupt exclamation interrupted by his body landing with a puff onto the couch cushion, two throw pillows tumbling onto the floor with his impact.

"Don't forget to pack your toothbrush and hairbrush, they weren't in your suitcase when I did the laundry."

"Ugh, right." Still sitting upside down, he grumbled out a list of things to remember, before turning upright, reddened by the moment overturned.

"Eijiro, love, what are you two up to?" His mother's voice asked suddenly, descending the stairs, her long pajama pants and fluffy robe giving her a cozy, confused-slash-adoring, aura. Not bothering to explain themselves, they complimented her blueberry muffin recipe. The morning went fast watching the baking show, talking nonsense, and folding laundry so the previously crumpled mess of clothes now fit neatly into the suitcase. Joking about Kirishima's cleanliness, Katsuki threatening to throw him into the neighbor's pool if he came back in dirty clothes.

The day had just peaked noon and the two rambled upstairs to make sure everything was ready to go as Kirishima's family packed up the car and prepared to leave.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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