The Sun After The Heavy Rain💛 - Part 3

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Mila took them both to the restricted area..

Mila's one arm around Tessa's shoulder and Another one around Luna's shoulder.

Luna : Omg ! It looks scary Mila.. We should leave it think..

Luna tried to turn around but Mila hold her arm tight..

Tessa : Oh god !.. Its scary..

Mila took the chance and did the evil thing..

Mila slightly laughed like a ghost..

Tessa and Luna both flinched and Tessa shouted little.

Watch man :  Who's there.. This is restricted Area.. Yahhh!!

Mila , Luna , Tessa : Oh My Gawwdd ! ( at the same time )

Mila : Run run run run..

Luna and tessa smiled at each other and started running fast and any how they managed to come out of the area.. Three of them are panting heavily.

After sometime


Luna: (folding her wrist and adjusting her shirt) "I'm so done with this day. I can't believe I got stuck with a shift at the cafe right after our fun day at the amusement park." Arrghhhhhh !

Mila: (noticing Luna's gesture) "Hey, what's wrong? You're not still worried about your part-time job, are you?"

Luna: (sighing) "It's just...I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. Working and studying and trying to have a social's all so exhausting."

Tessa: (sympathetically) "We're here for you, Luna. We'll help you get through,

Mila: hey you got scholarship right.. Then why are you working this much hard ?

Luna : ( Sighed )"I have to pay the bills for my father's treatment... and also for my own health issues. That's why I'm doing part-time jobs."

Mila: (with a sad tone) "Why? What happened to your dad?"

Tessa: (looking concerned) "Yeah, Luna, what's going on?"

Luna: (smiling bravely) "He had an accident... and I've been paying for his treatment ever since."

Tessa: "What about your mom? Won't she help you out?"

Luna: (sighing) "My parents divorced when I was 15, and my mom remarried soon after. She's not really in the picture anymore." (Luna looks down, trying to hide her tears)

Mila: (hugging Luna) "Oh, Luna, I'm so sorry. We had no idea you were carrying this burden all by yourself."

Luna: (tearfully) "I didn't want to burden you guys with my problems. You're my friends, and I wanted to keep our friendship separate from all this."

Tessa: (softly) "Luna, we're your friends precisely because we care about you. We're here to support you, not just to have fun together."

Mila: (determined) "We'll help you, Luna. We'll find a way to make this work. You're not alone in this."

Luna: (smiling through tears) "Thanks, guys. Just knowing you're here for me makes a big difference."

(The three friends share a warm hug, tears of sadness)

Luna went to her work


( we will call Rafael as " Raf")

Rafael : ( standing at the window gazing outside with a glass of juice in hand )

Nick ( Raf's PA )

Nick : Boss, ( he came with a tab ( mobile) in his hands )

Raf turned back..

Raf : Hm

( nick checked the atmosphere and )

Nick: "We have a big problem, raf."

Raf: "What's wrong, Nicholas?" ( turned towards nick )

Nick: "Our money has been missing for three months. Someone is stealing from us."

Raf: "What?! How could this happen?" ( hella shocked )

Nick: "I'm sorry, Raf. It's true. Someone is taking our funds."

Raf: "Who is doing this?! Tell me!"

(Raf's eyes turn red with anger)

Nick remained silent

Raf: "Tell me what the hell happened! Nick, I know I can trust you. Someone's been stealing from me, and I want to know who!"

Nick: "Raf, I'm glad you trust me. The truth is, it was Alex and Jake. They've been embezzling funds from your business for months."

Raf: "What?! Those traitors! How could they do this to me?"

( alex and jake are main dealers of funds in this entire mafia business , they suffered alot in their life, Raf gave them job, money everything they needs. He took care of them like his own brothers. they are loyal workers for the past 5years)

Nick: "I know, Raf. I'm just as shocked as you are. But we have proof, and we'll get to the bottom of this."

Raf: "Good. I want to know everything. How much did they steal? How did they manage to pull this off?"

Nick: "We're still investigating, but it looks like they stole a significant amount. They were clever, but we've got evidence now."

Raf: "I want them gone, Nick. I want them out of my sight, out of my business. Make it happen."

Nick: "Consider it done, Raf. We'll take care of it."

Raf nodded , still his eyes are read due to betrayal..

"Raf will be very kind and helpful to someone he trusts, but if they betray him, he will become very cruel and unforgiving."

Raf : Get them to me soon !! They need my therapy

Nick : ( nodded ) sure., I sent  our people to bring them here.

Raf : Ok then, you leave.

Nick : Take care raf.. Bye
Nick bowed to him and left.

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