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~Frisk Pov~

"Ma! Ma! Look what I drew! It's a drawing of the whole family not just us. See? Uncle Papy, Uncle Char-char, Grandpa Fluffybuns, Grandma Tori, Uncle Azzy, and Grandpa Gasty! Even Aunt Undone and Aunt Alphys" Sammy said excitingly, holding up his drawing proudly, hopping up and down

"Wow, it's beautiful! You can show Daddy when he gets home from work" I say in a tired tone
"Why don't we watch some Paw Patrol then take a nap, hmm?"

Sammy runs around the room with his arms in the air "Yaaaaaa, Paw Patrol!"

~10 episodes later~

I was sitting on the couch holding Ari next to me, playing with her favorite bunny plushie. An episode just finished and Sammy turns around to look at me from the floor, he wanted me to play the next.

"Alright that's enough for now, it's bedtime." I stand up and pick Ari up

"No! I wanna watch one more!" He commanded. when he saw the face I was doing he add a "please"

I sighed and close my eyes for a couple of seconds before looking back down at the 6-year-old "I'm sorry but no, it's time to go to bed now"

With a sigh of defeat he mutters "okay" and then dashes up the stairs to his room. where he got that energy was a mystery

I followed him upstairs and put Ari in her room and set her in her crib. I kissed her on the forehead and sang her a quick lullaby as she fell asleep, clutching her bunny.

I walked out and into Sam's room to see he was already in bed with the light off so his Batman night light would be seen. He scooted over some and patted the new spot next to him, silently telling me to sit.

I walk over and sit on top of his Batman bedspread, leaning against the headboard
"what story do you want me to tell you tonight?"

"You and Daddy!"

I smiled softly. He already heard this story countless times but it was his favorite.
"Where do you want me to start?"

"The cliff!"

"Well isn't that a bit far into the story?" I adjusted my position to be a little bit more comfortable before starting

"Once once upon a time, one year after Mama had freed the Monsters from Mt Ebbott, I was out after visiting your godparents, Aunt Undyne and Aunt Alphys. And while I was out Daddy appeared out of nowhere and he thought it would be a good idea to scare me. After I almost died from fright I smacked him on the head and yelled at him. But like the big baby he is, he was being dramatic about it. when I asked him what he needed from me. He told me it was a surprise and offered me to take his hand. Without a second thought I took it and he teleported us to this beautiful cliffside that was over the ocean. There were flowers all over the grass and you could see the sunset. When I asked him why he took me here, your father just said that he wanted to repay me and showed me a nice picnic set up. After the moon was out, he told me how he was grateful for me showing up to the Underground and being friends with everyone."

I smiled at the memory.
"He then told me how much he cared for me. He asked me if I felt the same and if I wanted to be his girlfriend."

"And then you kissed!" Sammy interrupted

I tickled his stomach
"Yes that's what happened next"

he laughed and squirmed a little. I stopped and he asked for me to finish the story, yawning

I shock my head and kissed him on the forehead "That's enough for tonight, you're already tired"
With a goodnight, I left him to sleep.
I'm tired too...

Memories of an Old Future (remaking)Where stories live. Discover now