sushi with a spear: part 2

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~Frisk POV~

I walked into Waterfall again and continued on my journey. I soon got up to the part where Papyrus meets up with Undyne. I hid in the long grass so as not to be seen by her.

"Well Frisk, it seems like you were in a rush to get out of that house." he said, floating backwards above the grass with his arms behind his head

"Oh come on Chara no I wasn't" I whisper

"Yes you did. Why did you rush out like that?"

"I...I had to leave if I could make it here on time ."

"I call bs. Come on! Why'd you really leave?"

with a sigh of defeat I say, "I guess I was....expecting something different"

"what? that you both would get together already? Girl you need to be patient, it's too soon"

"...I know but.."

He had a look of understanding on his face but also like he wanted to press but didn't
"Anyways, little miss magikarp over there with bone breath should be done having their debate. Lets go"

Nodding in agreement and start to weave my way through the long grass.

The sound of someone summoning something and a glowing blue spear landing in the rock in front of me made my heart quicken

I look up to see Undyne in her armor with another spear on her hand
"Get back here human!"

Running as fast as my legs could take me, I started to hear more spears being thrown at the path behind me.

"Aaahh!" I shouted as some hit me, a trail of blood droplets fell on the path below me

"You can't run for long!" Undyne screeched behind me.

"Frisk! I'll-I'll help! Just um give me a minute"
Chara said worryingly as he flew beside me before disappearing. A few minutes later, he popped his head around a corner and yelled, "Over here!" Following, I turned and almost fell to my death from a ledge. Chara grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me against the wall.


"Shhhh!" he harshly whispered, holding a finger to my mouth.

"Where did you go?!" Undyne turned to our direction, only to stop at the edge of the ledge. "NGAHHHH!! I find you!" She yells as she storms off in the opposite direction, the spears disappear.

Letting out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, I asked again, "How did you do that?"

"What? Pull you? The same way I did with the ketchup bottle, If I focus hard enough I can manipulate physical things in this form but it uses up energy" he stated "I'm just glad she didn't catch us. Come on, I don't think she's there anymore."

Glaring at her, I snap, "Oh REALLY? How 'bout you go check this time instead of assuming so I don't DIE."

"tsk, It's not like it's permanent, you'll just come back if you did. But if it helps, I'm sorry. But I really thought she was gone!" Chara floats past me. after a few moments he calls out, "It's clear your highness!"

Limping out I lean against the wall of the cave for support. "Hey, are you, um, okay? You're bleeding quite a bit there in the leg..."

"No, I'm dandy" I sarcastically remark. Gritting my teeth, I inhale a bunch of air as I stand on my leg.

"Ssssuuuurrrrreeee....Here." Leaning against his shoulder, Chara leads me to one of the many makeshift ponds in Waterfall. "Jump in." Following his order, I got in. "All right, what do we have here..." Looking around he walks back and forth trying to find something to help.

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