Seventeen ⇒ Shirtsleeves

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Niall had already dropped Jamison at Louis and Harrys house and was sitting around waiting for Liam to pick him up. He's not all too sure why he agreed to let Liam pick him up, he's more that capable of driving himself, but he agreed anyway.

Niall knew Liam and Karen were most likely going to try and talk Niall into forgiving Liam, which he has, and get back together with him. But, he's not ready and he hasn't canceled the divorce papers. Hell, his part of the divorce papers have been signed since they came out of the printer at his lawyers office. It was Liam who still had everything in his hands.

"Will you stop already." Harry huffed as he pulled Nialls hands from his hair "It looks fine and Karen and Liam have both seen you with snot running out your nose crying about a footie game. They don't care."

Niall fixed him with a glare "That's attractive" he said lamely "I just want to look nice for my mother-in-law."

"Soon to be ex-mother-in-law."


Harry smirked as he say down on he and Louis' bed "Maybe? Oh really, when did that happen?"

Niall sighed joining Harry on the bed and laid back "I don't know. Jamison and Zayn have helped a but I guess."

"I get Jameson but how has Zayn helped any?"

Niall smiled remembering a conversation he had with Zayn. "We just talked. I don't know how to explain it. Like he told me sometimes Liam would get this blank, lost look in his eyes when they talked about certain things. Things like where he grew up or where he went to college. Zayn said in hindsight it was probably him remembering certain things about me." He took a deep breath and let it out slowly "I know it's really not much and who knows what Liam was really thinking but it helped. And watching Liam with Jamison makes my heart race and I can't stop smiling. It's how I always imagined him."

Harry was about to say something when the doorbell rang.

"Let's get down stairs, let's not keep Liam and Karen waiting."


The car ride was a bit awkward to say the least.

Liam had developed a habit since that one time Niall showed up to the sonogram with a hickey. 

He gives Niall a hug and as they step apart, Liam quickly but not so subtly examines Nialls neck.

Nialls not really surprised anymore but it offends him every time. He did something stupid one time. It's been almost six or seven months and Liam still isn't over it.

Niall can only imagine how he'd react if he found out it was Zayn who'd given it to him.

"So..." Liam starts awkwardly "how was the studio today?"

"It was good, got a lot done actually. Wrote a few songs with Harry remastered one of Zayns bonus for track for the American version of his album. It's been a good day." He smiled

"How is Z? Haven't talked to him in like what? Almost a year?"

"And you shouldn't." Niall bit back. "Ever, If I'm not there or if it's not through me."

Liam reached over the center console and placed his left hand on Nialls thigh showing off his wedding band. "I didn't mean it like that. He's apart of your day, he's your friend...weirdly. I'm just asking how he is."

He didn't want to talk to Zayn. Maybe if he hadn't fucked everything up they could possibly be friends Zayn was a cool guy. But, that ship sailed the day Liam lied about who Niall was and kissed Zayn. 


"I understand Zayn is still and possibly could always be a sensitive subject for us."

Niall didn't reply but sighed when he saw they were finally at the resuraunt. 


As soon as Niall and Liam made it to the table where Karen was already seated, she bypassed her son and went straight for Niall. 

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