Seven ⇒ What is Love?

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I'm taking lunch in twenty love, meet me at the diner?

I finished early today be there in 15. i'll get us a table

Perfect I love you babe

Love u too Li ! See u soon :)

Liam sighed and stretched as he bent down to grab his messenger bag, he quickly sent off another text and headed towards the exit. 

The past six months for Liam had been interesting to say the least. He'd kept up a solid relationship with Niall, alone time, dates, a trip or two here and there- there was still a slight absence since Niall was working with Harry and a new artist called 'Niaz Kilam' (weird name but he wasn't one to judge) and Liam was working 'more often' having received a promotion. 

Things were looking up for the couple it was almost as if they were back in high school or University back when they looked at each other with heart eyes and couldn't stop touching each other. 



Liam walked in to the diner and was instantly met with the sound of his love calling his name. He turned towards him and smiled goofily seeing him in his comfortable gray cable-knit jumper and maroon beanie pulled snugly on his head.

"Hello love," he hummed wrapping his arms around his waist and holding him close for a moment before they sat across each other in the booth. 


"How was the meeting with the record label? Anymore progress?" Liam asked taking his lovers hand across the table as they waited for their waiter.

"Good, really well actually. We've worked out a contract for a four track ep to kind of test the waters and see how I sale." he smiled looking in to Liam's chocolate eyes and taking in the love they were pouring out.

"That's amazing Zayn, "


He paused to place his order with the waiter "I hope your producers treat you well, I know it can be a grueling process."

Zayn sat up a bit straighter and took a sip of his tea "I don't know why you won't let me tell you anything about them-"

"Because my roommate is in the same business and I don't want to compare and judge too much."

"Whatever Liam." he laughed bringing Liam's hand up for a kiss. "I officially start recorded next week so I'm going to be really busy, probably won't be able to see you as much." he pouted before taking a bite of his sandwich.

"It's okay Z, I've got a few new ad campaigns to start so I'll get myself occupied." he smiled loving the constant blush on Zayns cheeks. 


"Same time tomorrow?" Zayn asked as Liam pulled up to drop him off in front of his flat

"As long as no meetings come up I'll be here babe."

Zayn smiled at the pet name and leaned across for what he intended to be an innocent kiss, but ended up turning in to something much hotter. Resulting in Liam slamming him against the door of his flat as soon as it was closed behind them.


When Niall arrived home, a little later than expected, he immediately noticed the soft lighting around the house. Different scarves were laying over lamps dimming the light and changing it's color. He continued walking further in the house and kicked off his black vans and rested his charcoal gray hoodie on the sofa in the living room and headed towards the kitchen where he could her the soft clanking of dishes.

Once he hit the corner and saw his husband leaning over the table he froze, "Liam?"

Liam jumped almost dropping the candle he was holding and spun around to lock eyes with his husband who, even though late, was earlier than Liam expected. 

"H-hi babe... I um, I was trying to do something nice for ya." he mumbled shyly clasping his hands behind his back and started walking towards his husband.

Niall smiled throwing his arms over Liam's as he wrapped his around his waist. 

"This is great baby, what's it for though?" Niall asked genuinely shocked because, yes Liam does do sweet things for him, but this -this was new. The table was covered in vases full of beautiful Amaryllis', Sweet pea, and Tuberose flowers. The food, some sort of baked chicken with asparagus, rice pilaf, sweet potato and a roll, was on dishes he was sure they didn't own because he'd never seen them before. 

Liam crossed the kitchen/dinning room after finally lighting the candle and placing it in it's holder and pulled Niall in to a passionate kiss. Niall pulled away breathless and smiled bashfully at his husband who was rubbing soft circles in to the small of his back.

"I wanted to do this because I love you and you've been working hard lately I know you say the new guy is fun to work with but still." Liam smiled kissing his forehead before pulling him towards the table "Besides, when was the last time I cooked a full on meal for you that didn't involve a microwave."

Niall eyed that food in from of him warily and looked towards his husband with a smirk on his face "I'm not even sure you made this. For all I know you had your secret boyfriend make this to poison me so you can make off with my millions" he cackled almost doubling over in his chair.

Liam however had stopped listening after secret boyfriend, and was staring at Niall with wide eyes.

"Oi, babe chill. It was a joke. See? Haha? Funny... maybe I need to stop hanging around Harry so much he's wearing off on me." he mumbled and reached over to run his fingers of Liam's knuckles knocking the slightly older boy out of his thoughts and back in to the real world. 

The real world where he was in his house, with his husband, his husband who doesn't know he actually has a secret boyfriend, his husband who right now thinks the sun shines out of his ass. 

 But Liam, like he has for the last six months, ignored his conscience and smiled back at Niall "You're an idiot and I love you so much." and it's true, he does love Niall. Niall has been in his life for so long he could never not love Niall... but is love enough? 

It's love really all it takes to make a relationship last? 

[I'm awful please don't hate me too much because I love all of you. So it's six months later and Liam is still seeing Zayn and their relationship has progressed emotionally and physically. 

Liam is starting to question if love his enough for a relationship to work which could leave to not so many good moments for Niam.

Do you think Liam actually loves Zayn or his it lust driven by the thrill of getting away with cheating?

There's yet another curve ball coming soon, so sorry in advance.

Sorry for the wait I had writers block, then no patience to sit a write THEN i got a pinched nerve in my back... it was terrible. 

This is long LOVE YOU BYE

xA *whispers* follow me on twitter @fuckoffZOUIS]

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