Nine ⇒ ...And We All Have Hell

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"Niall?" Liam called out when he doesn't find his husband in bed with him that morning. "Babe, where'd you go?" 

He pulled a white t-shirt over his head he walked towards to door of their room only to find it locked. Thinking Niall locked himself out, he's done it before, he started to unlock it but stopped when he heard a shuddered breath followed by gagging coming from their bathroom. 

Liam quickly ran to the door and threw it open and saw Niall in front of the toilet with his head resting on the bowl and eyes heavily lidded. He dropped down next to him and pulled Niall in to his arms wiping the quickly falling tears and vomit from his face.

"What's happened- what's wrong?" Liam whispered softly placing a kiss to Nialls warm forehead.

"Jus' think it's the flu haven't felt to well the last few days." he murmured

"Why didn't you tell me? I could've taken you to the doctor yesterday. I can't today, we have a meeting with the CEO of the company." and it wasn't a lie this time, he really did, "Do you feel better after throwing-up?"

Niall opted not to speak and only nodded at his husband burrowing further in to his hold.

"Are you still gonna go in to work, or just have Harry by himself today? He's more than capable." Liam asked hoping his husband would take the latter option and stay home to rest.

Niall sighed and sat back leaning away fro Liam and against the wall, "No, I'm gonna go. We've got meetings as well getting small gigs for Niaz and shite."

Liam explained why Niall should stay home but he only responded by saying "If I get sick again I'll have Harry take me to the hospital. I'm sure I'm fine though Liam." Liam, shook his head knowing it was impossible to change Nialls mind once it was set on something. 

"Anyways, is Niaz this guys real name 'cos it's fucking weird." Liam laughed as he joined his blue-eyed husband at the sink to brush his teeth.

"No," Niall laughed "It's Z-" he was cut of by his Harry's ringtone blaring through the room and quickly went to grab it.

Liam took this time to pull his phone off the charger and check his emails from work and then to respond to... well Zayn.

ZHope you slept well babe , i miss your kisses x

miss you too love cant wait to kiss your soft lips at lunch today. 

Z→ Gnna end up like last wk . I was an hour late to tht meeting with my producers

L← mmhmm gonna make you 2 hours late today.

"Who are you texting smirking like that?" Niall asked stepping back in to the bathroom looking at Liam with a raised eyebrow.

Liam quickly locked his phone and shoved it in to the pocket of his sweats. "Jesus Niall," he gasped "trying to fucking kill me?"

"Who was it?"


"Who are you texting that's making you look like that?" Niall pressed walking closer to Liam.

"Like what!"

"Like you're ready to fxck!" He yelled standing chest to chest with Liam.

Liams heart was racing as hew tried to think of different things to tell Niall.

Quick Quick Quick, he thought.

"I was texting Louis." 

That didn't make Niall feel any better, at all. What was he texting Louis about that would make him smirk like that? Niall didn't want to seem insecure but he had a reason to. He still hadn't bought up that phone call from last night and he wasn't sure when he would. What if it really was a wrong number and his fear was only being fueled by the fact Liam switched his phone to his finger print. 

Before Niall could open his mouth an reply Liam grabbed Niall by his waist and pulled his body in to him and started kissing him feverishly. He trailed his lips down to his jaw and neck backing him up against the sink and grabbing his waist again and lifting him up on to it without any struggle.

Niall was a whimpering mess as he wrapped his legs around Liams waist and scratched at his back to peel the shirt off his body. 

"Off Liam off!" He moaned making Liam groan.

After Liams shirt was tossed carelessly to the side and Niall ran his wedding ring clad hand from collar bone to hip bones and then plunged his hand in to the front of Liams sweats causing the slightly older man to buck his hips.

" 'M gonna fxcking wreck you, Mr Payne." He whispered in to Nialls ear his tonge flicking the lobe


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