Five ⇒Like the Old Days

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Liam was sleeping on the sofa Monday evening when the sound of the front door closing woke him up. He was only panicked for a second before he recognized the sound of Niall's Vans padding down the hall.

The door quietly creaked open and Niall smiled at the sight of his husband facing the door, lips parted with small quiet breaths escaping his mouth. Niall tip-toed towards the sofa and sat on the edge running his fingers through Liam's hair.

"I know you're not sleeping love." Niall smirked but it quickly turning in to a squeal as Liam reached out and tugged him on top of him. 

"I missed you." Liam murmured pressing a kiss to the space between Nialls eyebrows "I don't like it when you have to leave."

Niall sighed and sat up straddling Liam's hips "I know Li and it's such awful timing too. It's almost award season and the holidays so we'll both be busy all the time."

Liam grimaced because yes, he had forgotten about that. It was award season soon meaning Niall would be out attending award shows in various countries all while working on new albums while Liam would be working around the clock with black Friday, cyber Monday and Christmas ads, leaving them little to no time to spend together. 

"I guess it's a good thing it's slow at my job now and you've got the week off." he spoke slowly trailing a finger up Nialls arm slowly.

Niall shifted digging his bum in to Liams crotch and smiled when he made grunt of approval, then laughing when Liam whined as he stood and called out over his shoulder that he was going to have a shower. 


Liam was sat on the bed waiting for Niall to finish showering and going through work emails on his phone replying to a few big ad proposals and setting up meetings, when his phone dinged. 

Zayn: Did I scare you off Liam? Like I came on too strong right? Just, haven't replied to me since Friday night... idk. Ring me sometime yeah? 

Liam felt his heart clench, he thought that ignoring Zayn would be the right way to go but after only a day and a half it was becoming so hard. Every time Zayn would text him he had to walk away from his phone or completely turn it off. Zayn was such a genuinely nice person and imagining how he felt only made Liam feel worse. 

The sound of Niall turning off the shower knocked Liam from his thoughts and he quickly exited the message and bought back up his work emails. The door opened and a cloud of steam flowed out the door.

"So, what'd you do while I was gone?"

For a brief moment Liam panicked not sure of what to say but then the phone call he had with Louis came to mind "Nothing really, just chilled with Lou a bit and work mostly."

"Speaking of Lou, can you believe Harry is thinking of getting back together with him?" Niall huffed walking over towards the closet.

"What's wrong with that? It's been over a year and Harry's forgiven him." 

"Yeah he did but Louis doesn't deserve it. Louis cheated on him for three bloody months with that Aiden prat!  I bet Louis wouldn't have told him if Harry hadn't answered Louis' phone that day. Harry was crushed! You know he was, he was in our guest room for two weeks he couldn't even wear some of his clothes because Louis had worn them before." Niall was visibly shaking at the memory of his best mate so down and so broken. 

"I think..." Liam paused because this was almost him. Sure he might not have gone through with it but... he might have. "I think if Harry forgave him that should be it. We shouldn't talk about it and try to tell him not too because yes I know Harry was hurt but I also know that Louis was gutted as well." 

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