Twelve ⇒ Guernica

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*Second place in the Holiday Bromance Awards yesssssss*

Zayn hopped out of the cab in front of Nialls house at a quarter passed three in the morning. Niall was pacing the living room wearing a hole in to the carpet biting his nails running the conversation through his head.

When Zayn knocked on the door Niall almost jumped out of his skin, now that it was time to actually say it. To tell his friend he's been unknowingly sleeping with his husband, he didn't know what to say. So he begrudgingly made his way to the door opening it and letting a very exhausted Zayn in.

Niall led him over to the sofa and sat next to him "Do ya want tea or something?" he stammered out.

He shook his head no and leaned back against the sofa. "Mate, it's not even sunrise yet, what's going on?"

"Right right." 

Zayn, feeling the tension in the air, sat up straight and looked up at Niall. Niall was biting his lip raw bouncing his leg up and down at a fast pace. 

"Hey NJ what is it? Am I being dropped?"

He shook his head no "Listen Zayn, I've gotta tell you something and it's not gonna be pleasant but you have to listen."

"You're starting to freak me out NJ.:

"Niall. My names Niall, Zayn."

Zayns eyebrows furrowed trying to remember why that name sounded so familiar. 

"H, Harry and I like to keep our personal and business lives separate. My names Niall James...Payne. Liam James Payne is my... he's my husband Zayn. He's been cheating on me with you for six months and I need to know that you didn't know Zayn." Nialls voice broke with every word. He was trying to hold back his emotions, he didn't want to seem weak. 

Zayn couldn't talk at first, he could barely breathe. The man he'd fallen in love with was married to his boss, to his friend. The man who'd taken him to Paris for the first time in his life two months ago is married. "NJ- I mean Niall, I didn't know I promise I didn't know he was married I wouldn't do that to you. I wouldn't do that to anyone." 

Both of them were crying now, Niall because he could tell Zayn felt the same pain as him and Zayn because, simply, his heart was breaking. 

Niall liked to think that he and Liam were one of those forever couples. That they'd make it through anything and everything. That they'd be the couple everyone based their fairy-tales off of. Hell everything about their life up to this point and been so damn cliche. I mean, how many people meet their soulmate at the age of four, grow up from best friends, to first kiss, to first boyfriends, to 'let move in together', to fiances and then husbands. How many people get to spend the rest of the life with the first and only person they ever loved.

Well, Niall thinks, he isn't that lucky either. 

Niall sighs deeply finally finding breath and turns to look at Zayn. Listening to Zayn cry isn't as annoying as he thought it would be. He so desperately wanted to hate Zayn, part of him wanted him to say he knew Liam was married. It would make this so much easier.

They sat in silence, no one really sure for how long but neither of them minded. They'd rather let one another cry in peace undisturbed and talk when they're ready rather than forcing the other to talk. 

Niall only started speaking once the sun began to rise, "I feel disgusted and betrayed and like I can't breathe. Part of me, the part that's known him since I was four wants me to just forget about it and move on, but the mature, older part of me wants me to throw all his shit in the front yard set it on fire and let him watch it burn." 

"Can I help?" Zayn laughed bitterly.

Niall sniffled wiping his eyes "M'pregnant, you know. Found out yesterday not even an hour before I saw the two of you at the diner."

"Niall I'm so sorry-"

"I don't blame you Zayn. My heartbreak isn't any more painful than yours. Mine... mine will just take longer to get over."

"How can you say that? What you feel must be so much worse than what I feel." Zayn rushed.

"We were both in love Zayn. Just because yours was based on a lie doesn't mean your love wasn't real. We were both lied to."

That's the kind of person Niall was. He could be in the worst situation, broken, wounded and bleeding... but he would still offer you the shirt off his back. He took care of everyone, even when they didn't deserve it, he never questioned it.


Liam was slumped against the armrest of Louis' sofa in a deep sleep when sound of his boss' ringtone make him snap his eyes open.

'Liam James Payne," his boss scolded as if he were a child "your ad pitch is meant to take place in twenty minutes, care to explain why you aren't in your office?"

Liam choked realizing that yes, today he was meant to present four ideas to three different companies. With everything that had happened the night before, he forgot. He was up til almost four in the morning thinking of how to get Niall back and how to gently end things with Zayn.

He thought maybe it was possible to still be friends, a thought he quickly shook off once all the foul shit he'd done hit him in the face. 

"Mr. Payne!" 

"Sorry, yes. Something came up last night but I'm on my way."

"This is very unlike you Liam. Whatever it is, fix it." his boss sighed then ended the call.

"I'm trying."


Luckily for Liam, two of the three companies he presented to liked his pitches. He took it as a good sign and decided to head to his home with Niall instead of back to Louis'.

When he walked up to his front door he didn't notice the once silver locks were now bronze meaning they'd been changed. So when he stuck his key in and the look didn't pop open he was thoroughly confused. 

He stood outside of his house for almost ten minutes knocking and calling for Niall to open the door but when no one answered he called Niall. He called Niall six times, each time the call went straight to voicemail. Liam was becoming beyond annoyed. 

Niall wasn't answering so the next best thing for him was to call Harry. So he did and unlike Niall, Harry picked up immediately. 

"What the fuck do you want prick?" He hissed 

"Where is Niall and why did he change the locks on my house?" Liam spat back just as venomously as Harry.

"S'not your house," he said sounding completely uninterested in the conversation "and he's out of town, with Zayn, away from you." 

Liam ended the call and quickly dialed Zayns number and when it went to voicemail he hung up and tried again repeating the cycle before he realized it was useless. 

He could only hope that whenever Niall did answer that he would listen to him. Listen to him cry and beg and apologize then scream and yell and hit him. And then maybe start to mend their broken relationship. 

Liam wiped a tear from his eye as he walked to his car and headed back to Louis' place where he was sure a pissed off Harry was still hanging around.

[Niall is so perfect and sweet I just want to hug him. How do you think the conversation between Zayn and Niall went? lol @ Niall changing the locks and then leaving town without telling Liam. Nialls out of town... with Zayn? Que que???

I'm looking for Niam (and Ziam) pictures for a new cover so if you have any good ones tweet me @fuckoffzouis or kik me. 

Love you


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