Eight ⇒ Bad Day

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When Niall walked in to the studio he expected to have a few minutes alone before Harry showed up. He was honestly hoping for that time, he needed to think. Something- things were weird... or maybe it was just a weird feeling or a stupid thought he couldn't get out of his head, but could you really blame him. 

So when Niall walked in to the studio he was gutted to see Harry already by the sound board marking for the new track they were recording with Niaz Kilam today.

Hearing him open the door, Harry turned smiled but instantly frowned when he saw the look on his best mates face. "He-"

"How did you know Louis was cheating on you?" Niall rushed out in one quick breath.

"Well, good morning to you too Niall. I bought you coffee and a breakfast sandwich from Starbucks and as everyone knows, I didn't find out Louis was cheating on me until I answered his phone one day... an I only did that because I thought it was mine." Harry admitted sadly turning to face away from Niall. 

Bringing up he and Louis' past issues was always going to be a sore subject for him. It would be for anyone. The person you planned to marry one day, the person you were going to propose to in just a few weeks, cheating on you...loving someone else. It's a crippling pain he wouldn't wish on anyone. 

"But like... were things different? Like there had to be something there right?" Niall pressed he needed to know

Harry let out a sigh and ran both hands over his face then through his hair "He stayed at work later 'grading papers' he would say. He would be distant one day then over indulge my every whim the next. He came home smelling like BLEU DE CHANEL one day," he said his eyes glistening with tears "the only reason I know it was that exact scent is 'cos i spent three hours with Gem picking cologne for her boyfriend. There were signs but I was too blind to notice."

Niall nodded taking everything in, it wasn't making him feel any better- if anything it was making him feel worse. "How could you forgive him for what he did to you?" Niall spoke maybe a bit harshly based on how Harry jumped at the sound of his voice.

"I love him. Even after a year with out him, I still loved him just as much as I did when we were eighteen. He made a mistake, he apologized over and over and over again. He respected my wishes when I told him to leave me alone stopped calling when I asked and stopped texting me everyday because I told him it hurt too much to be reminded of him. As soon as it stopped though, I realized how much I needed him. Louis is my soulmate but being my soulmate doesn't mean he isn't flawed... we're working on getting back to where we were."

They were silent for a while Niall taking in everything Harry had said and Harry trying to shake the negative thoughts of his past out of his mind. 

"Why'd you ask that?" he was honestly pissed. Niall knew he didn't like talking about that anymore. "I get you don't approve of us moving on and starting our relationship over but I-"

"Liam came home smelling like cigarettes and vanilla yesterday." Niall cut him off with a choked sob. "He doesn't smoke and he hates vanilla anything. It could be nothing, could just be someone from work or when he stopped at the store the grab noodles. I don't know but -I don't know."

"Niall, I can tell you're not telling me something what is it?" 

"He does that thing you said, where he's distant one day then indulging me the next. I thought it was sweet at first when it happened like once or twice a month but it's happening so much now." he sighed sitting on the chair next to Harry and bringing his knees to his chest "I just have a weird feeling and I've been feeling really shit lately- I think I'm getting the flu. I haven't been able to keep my breakfast down lately and I'm barely eating."

Harry was about to tell him it was nothing to be worried about because they're NiallandLiam they are relationship goals but the were interrupted.

"Hey lads"

Niall turned away and wiped his eyes while Harry jumped up to greet him. "Hey! You're right on time, we're actually trying to leave a bit early so if you just want to hop in the booth that'd be great."

He nodded and headed towards the booth where all his lyrics keepers and trash ones were scattered around. Niall snapped out of his funk and went straight to work mode queuing the music, "Let's start with the one you played at  open-mic-night, I'm a mess."

He did notice the subtle smell of cigarettes and vanilla and thought his mind was playing tricks on him...


 Later that night when Niall came home from work and dinner with Louis and Harry, Liam was already in the shower. So Niall laid his phone and keys next to Liams on the bedside table and went to get his things ready to join his husband. 

As he walked by the bedside table his phone started to ring, so without looking at the screen he picked it up with a rushed "Hello?"

"Hey baby!"

Nialls eyebrows furrowed because who the hell was calling him baby? The only person besides Liam who called him that was his mum. "Come again?" he said slower this time.

"Is this... oh umm, must have dialed the wrong number. Sorry mate." and just like that the line was dead.  

Niall pulled the phone away from his face only to notice that it was Liams phone. He huffed out a breath and went to unlock the phone only to be even more frustrated when he realized Liam switched it to his fingerprint instead of his code.

And really, that didn't help the awful feeling in the pit of his stomach. 

[Extremely short but heyyyy it didn't take me over a month this time. Niall is wising up and nothing things about Liam now, so hopefully he'll call him out on his shit soon.

Poor Harry : ( but at least he and Louis are moving on from that. Right? 

What do you think will happen in the next chapter? I'm curious lol

See you very very soon!


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