- part 4 -

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*the next day*
tim texts lucy, "hey, wanna talk?"
lucy replies, "call me".
*tim calls lucy*
*lucy answers*
lucy- hey
tim- so i know i ended things weird but do you wanna go out tonight?
lucy- oh. *silence*
tim- um luce??
lucy- sorry uh yeah! i was thinking of what to wear (deep down she doesn't know how to feel about going out) *she giggles*
tim- *smiles over hearing her laugh*
lucy- "text me the details"
tim- "will do, bye;)"
*hangs up*
*at the restaurant*
Tim and lucy walked into the cozy restaurant, the soft glow of lights casting a warm ambiance. They settled into a corner booth, the soft mumbles of conversations and gentle music creating s perfect backdrop for their night out together.
tim and lucy started talking and giggling and in that moment tim felt a familiar warmth in lucys presence. but tonight, he knew that after everything he did to protect her he had to open up more about his childhood and past, the parts of his life he had kept hidden for so long.
tim- "lucy theres someone i need to tell you," tim began, his voice trembling slightly. "there are things from my past that ive never shared with anyone and i trust you enough for you to know."
lucy- *she reached across the table, her hand gently squeezing his, "tim whatever it is, im here for you always. you can tell me anything."
*tims eyes meet lucys doe brown eyes, he felt a wave of reassurance. he started to speak recounting the painful memories and experiences that had shaped him. he spoke his fears, his regrets, and the moments that had haunted him for years.*
*Lucy listened intently. her eyes never leaving his and giving understanding through all he was saying. when he finished Lucy moved beside time, wrapping her arms around him in a comforting embrace.
Lucy says softly- " thank you for sharing this with me tim. i cant imagine what you've been through, but no matter what I'll be here for you always. no more pushing me away okay?
tim felt a weight lift from his shoulders, the burden of his past finally shared. he held Lucy close, feeling a deep sense of gratitude and love. in that moment, he knew he wanted to be with her for the rest of his life. she was always understanding towards him. thats what he loved about her. shes gentle, shes kind, she deserves the world.
*1 hour later they finally finish eating*
*tim pays*
as they left the restaurant, hand in hand, they both felt a renewed sense of hope for their future together. the night had brought them closer than ever, and they knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.
*tim drives Lucy home and walked up to her apartment they arrive to her door.*
Lucy says- " you know if you told me all this sooner things could've ended differently, maybe things couldn't have ended at all?" *Lucy says holding tim's hands and looking up at him*
tim says- "i know, but you know i push people away i don't like talking about stuff."
Lucy looks at tim, "well no matter what you can talk to me, even if you its really bad. i can handle it. only for you" *she says smiling*
*Lucy wraps her arms around tim and they start kissing opening the apartment door and going to the bedroom*
(thats it for now! thanks for reading)

(shall i make a part 5?)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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