Chapter 12: Rare Romantic Moment

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A/N: I honestly could not help it. Only half of this chapter fits with the chapter title, but I COULD NOT HELP IT. I mean, honestly, how much romance do we see in RA, right? I know a lot of people likes John Flanagan's writing because of that, but still...who doesn't want a bit of excitement now and then...? 😳🫢 And it really is only a tiny bit.

Anyways, here goes!


(Two days after the events of the last chapter)


"Lord Ka'zhak?"

"Have the messages been sent?"

"Yes, my lord. And they were already told to come at top speed. Those who were closest should, in fact, be able to arrive early tomorrow morning."

Ka'zhak nodded. "What of the men to the north? En'tak's two Ulans? And the other seven led by Mat'lik?"

The Temuj soldier who was the unofficial second-in-command of the Kaijin warrior leader, Ch'ren, thought for a few minutes. "They are farther away from us, lord Kaijin. They should take at least another four or five days to arrive. But there are yet fifteen other Ulans in the eastern valley not far from here, they should arrive tomorrow late in the afternoon. What are your plans, lord?"

"The older Atabi, he may have been there in the forest with the younger one. I fear he would now return and lead hither a platoon of Skandians. My hope would be that they over-heard us saying that it would be another two weeks before our attacks starts, and thus underestimate our current numbers. Yet in that case, still, if they act too quickly, they will out-number us. And its been six days already, even if the older man did not see our numbers, he would suspect some evil has befallen the younger one."

"But my lord, there is no way the main army could arrive any earlier than the times I have told you. They are too far, and it would be useless to hurry them further using letters and such."

"I know that," the Kaijin replied impatiently. "I was thinking, instead, that we should use the Araluans."

"My lord, it would not be wise to let our enemy know this early of their betrayal."

Ka'zhak shrugged, showing no emotion. "Risks must be taken in war. I care not. Send the leader of the Araluans to me."

Ch'ren bowed low and retreated to summon the said Araluan.


"Do you really have to go?" Pauline's voice was quiet and calm, yet underlying it, Halt could sense the worry. "Maybe you should give him another day or two? Or even if you go, do you have to go alone?" They were in the room that had been gifted to them, and Pauline was sitting on their bed, watching Halt pack his things for the journey.

"We've already waited for over six days, Pauline. And that Temujai camp is only five hours away from us. It is impossible that he could have taken this much time for just counting the numbers of the riders. And you know, Pauline, better than most, that I would be able to achieve so much more alone than with aid from others. I'm so sorry, Pauline. I wanted to give you a vacation, but I guess I have failed at that. We've signed a treaty with Erak, we must do all that we can for him now."

"It does not have to cost your life, Halt O'Carrick," Pauline said very softly, not much louder than a whisper.

"The day you agreed to marry me, you knew the risks you were taking," Halt replied in an equally soft and gentle tone.

"I knew, and I still know now. But that does not mean I have to accept it willingly." As she said these words, Halt stopped his packing and turned to face her. She looked up, straight into his eyes.

Bending down onto one knee, Halt took her hands gently and kissed them. "I love you, Pauline, and I would that I could give you more than I have. I wish that I could have married you as a noble, one who has the money and the status to be worthy of you, one who could have the ability to give you all the pleasures you deserved yet have not received. Being a Ranger has given me a meaning in life, something I have lost since my brother began seeking to be rid of me, and thus I could not now turn from this path. But if I could, I would have. For you."

Tears glistened in Pauline's eyes, threatening to spill over. Such show of emotion was rare for such an accomplished Diplomat as Lady Pauline, yet she made no effort to prevent it. "And I love you, Halt. Just as much as you, I have wished to have more time with you, but there has never been any part of me that has ever wished for you to give up being a Ranger for my sake. The past, and your childhood, is all behind you. So leave it there. Forget your past pains. Be this man you want to be, the man who has done so much, yet looks for so little reward. For is that not indeed the thing that has first caught my eye?"

"Pauline, Alyss deserves the company of Will just as much as you deserve mine. Please let me give it to her. Give me your blessing, please."

"Then go, and go with all the blessings that I could ever have had. Yet return swiftly, and bring our son back with you."

Halt paused for only a second, then, putting all fears out of his head, he leaned forward somewhat suddenly and kissed his wife, the beautiful and elegant Head of the Diplomatic Service. She gasped softly against his lips, then quickly recovered and returned the kiss with no less eagerness, as she let her hand slide towards Halt's rough hair.

They were, however, suddenly and rather violently interrupted by three sharp knocks on their door. Quickly, Halt pulled back from his wife and opened the door.

It was Alaric. "Ranger Halt," then, rather abruptly, he seemed to notice the obvious irritation in Halt's eyes and said, "Never mind, I guess these matters can wait. Just, uhh, come around to visit the Great Hall sometime when you're ready."

Without waiting for a response, Alaric turned and escaped from the place.

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