Chapter 5

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3 weeks later

UA is 4 months away, Aizawa didn't consider the thought of helping the small boy join. Well at least not yet. He wasn't even close to ready.

From what Tsukiri had told Aizawa, he was 14 and he has two abilities, only knowing how to master one, it being in his blood since the day he was born.

Aizawa took in the information as if it was something good. The hero knew the boy was powerful but the small boy had yet to realize what he was capable of doing. So there for..

The hero was going to train him.

"Is that all you got, kid?" Aizawa blocked the weak punches the boy threw at him. "Come on, punch harder"

The small boy huffed and puffed as he tried throwing more punches only for every move of his to be blocked, 'am i that weak?'

"Sir, i can't! Im tire-" Tsukiri tried complaining before getting slapped lightly in his face.



'...did he just slap me??'

The small boy looked flabbergasted, he just got smacked by a hero. "I know you're tired, but we only started 30 minutes ago." Aizawa stepped back and pointed at the clock hung up on the wall of the gym room before turning back to the boy, watching the little kid look down at the floor. "It's not that easy, but how about this." Tsukiri looked up at him.

"Use your ability Tsukiri, you were given it for a reason, dont hold back from using it. For now we can work with your transformation ability, we can save the other one for the future when you're ready."

The hero's eyes lingered on the boy watching as his tan skin turned blue, patterns of darker blue appeared all around his body. This was the first time the man had actually seen the boy in full form in person. "Okay, come at me."

30 minutes later

Grunts and punches were the only thing being heard in the gym room, the two making moves on eachother. Of course the teacher had just begun the journey of training the little boy, so he was going a little easy on him.

The little boy had no experience in fighting anyone whatsoever, but he had a little muscles to his arms and legs considering he'd run and climb all the time growing up.

Tsukiri grunted, blocking a punch from aizawa, throwing one punch of his own, wrist getting grabbed by the hero and thrown to the floor. The small boy groaned while getting up, right fist making it's way to the hero's stomach before getting blocked. Left fist quickly throwing another punch, hitting the hero in the face. Aizawa was caught off guard, the boy had gotten stronger with this ability.

"Are you okay, I-im sorr-" The small boy began before getting his feet swiped from underneath and landing on the ground roughly.

"Don't apologize to your opponent, Tsukiri." Aizawa lectured the boy on the ground "When you're in a fight with someone are you going to make sure they're okay after every hit you land on them? No, you should keep going at it and take that as an opportunity to take them down completely."

The small boy on the ground stood silent as he switched back to his human body, hinting that he was done. He grunted and let his whole small body rest back on the floor. "Im sorry, i was just trying to make sure you were okay.."

The hero sighed as he walked up to the boy, holding out his hand. Tsukiri grabbed onto his hand and got up, "We'll continue this tomorrow. Let's go eat." Aizawa turned around and headed to the door of the gym, Tsukiri following behind him. It's been 3 weeks since the hero had taken him in, Tsukiri explained everything he possibly could to the hero, about his mom, his life, his abilities, his struggles.

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