Nadine's POV:
I wake up with my thumb in my mouth. I don't think much of it until I remember my surroundings. I quickly take my thumb out my mouth and hit myself on the head. Fucking idiot. Don't do that shit here.
"Careful there, Rosewood. Wouldn't want you getting hurt."
I sit up and look over at Cade. He's at his desk doing some - I assume - homework. What kind of teacher assigns homework on the weekend? Especially this weekend. I thought teachers weren't allowed to assign homework this weekend because it's supposed to be dedicated to getting to know our roommates better? Whatever. The busier he is means the less talk-i-er he is.
Cade laughs and looks at me, his curly, black hair still messy. He looks tired. "How are you feeling after last night?"
"Last night?"
"You don't remember? You must have been too tired."
"What happened last night?"
Cade chuckles. "Well, let's just say you were acting quite...childish."
Shit. This is just great! Just what I needed!
I stare at him blankly. "Oh."
"I saw what's under your bed. No use in hiding it." He taps his pen against the white, wooden desk.
"What? That's my private stuff. You can't look there!"
"You asked me to."
"Pft. Yeah, right."
"You did. Are you a little?"
I don't answer him, the noise of the pen hitting the desk is distracting. Annoying. "Stop tapping that damn pen!" I snap at him. I place my head in my hands. "What exactly happened last night?" I muffle through them.
It takes a moment for Cade to respond, he's clearly taken aback by my yelling. "You woke up at, like, 1am, crying. Literally bawling your eyes off because some bad dream you had, I asked you what it was about and you didn't answer me. Anways, you asked for your 'paci'. I asked where it was, you pointed to your under my bed, I got it, you fell asleep, I brung you back to your bed."
I look up at him, slowly. Is he serious? Am I still asleep? I didn't want him to know. I didn't want anyone to know. He reaches into his desk drawer and pulls out one of my pacifiers.Oh. My. God.
He tosses it over to me. "Don't be embarrassed, Rosewood. Are you a little?" He asks again, and this time I answer.
"Yeah..." I mumble. He probably thinks I'm a weirdo. God, how could this get any worse? I want to go home. I need my blade. I need to cut.
He nods. "I know a thing or two about littles." He gestures to the papers on his desk. "Come take a look."
I reluctantly get off my bed and walk over to his desk. There is a whole bunch of printed papers and notes on regression and how to treat a little right. Even a nickname list. Why is he doing all this?
"Hey, don't look at me like that."
"Like what?"
"I dunno. Like that."
I shake my head and roll my eyes. "Whatever. Why are you doing this?"
"Because I'm your senior, and I take that title very seriously, Ms. Rosewood." He jokingly nudges me.
"Thanks...I guess."
We spend the rest of the day talking about my regression. It was hard and embarrassing at first, but I became more open about it as we talked. We even did a silly quiz that he printed out, and it turns out my little age is 2-5. Good to know, I guess.
Cade is currently taking all the stuff from under my bed into more convenient places.
"What about when someone visits and they see all this shit...?"
"Who cares? If they question it, just make up a lie and if anyone find out and makes fun of you then I'll beat their ass."
I don't reply and just sit on his bed, watching him. Would he really do that for me? Probably not. He's just trying to be nice to the troubled girl, Nadia.
"And that was the last of it. I think the only thing left is to make some new rules for when you're little."
"New rules?"
He nods and grabs a blank piece of paper from his desk. He walks over to be and sits down. "Since I'm your caregiver now."
Caregiver sounds weirdly comforting. Maybe because I've never really had one? My mom, I guess, but she doesn't know about my regression and is always at work. I can't blame her. I know she's trying her hardest. And my dad is out of the question. I never want to see that fucking asshole ever again.
"Okay," I nod. "Let's think of some rules."
Cade writes: 'Rosewood's Little Rules' at the top of the paper. I can't help but smile. I've known this guy for one, almost two days, yet he cares about so much. Maybe it's because he's my senior and he's supposed help me. That's what the rooming seniors do, Nadia. Don't get ahead of yourself.
We spend a few minutes making up rules. Here is what we came up with:
1. Bedtime is 10:00.
2. Say please and thank you; use your manners.
3. No talking back.
4. Be respectful to your caregiver, other people, and things.
5. Do what you're told, unless it's something unsafe or it makes you uncomfortable, in that case, get an adult.
6. No swearing.
7. No lying.
8. Tell caregiver if something is wrong."We can add more if we think of any more." Cade looks up from the paper to me, "Let's do punishments now."
I nod. He looks back down at the paper and starts writing.Punishment:
1. No watching cartoons.
2. Favorite stuffie taken away.
3. Time out.
4. Writing all the rules.
5. No candy or sweets.
6. Writing lines.
7. Early bedtime."Are you comfortable with spanking?" He glances up at me.
I'm slightly taken aback by the question, but I hesitantly nod. I feel heat rising to my cheeks and I blush a bit, This is so embarrassing.
"Okay. It'll only be in extreme cases though."
8. Spanking.
Word count: 1055!
[Sorry if this is a little rushed, It's honestly not my favorite, but it's my longest chapter yet! Please upvote, follow, and share, thanks!!]

Nadine's Stuck.
Random°•Nadine is a fourteen year old girl who has been struggling since before she can remember. Everything she touches goes to shit. Everyone she loves, leaves. ••• °•Nadine has been struggling with self harm, depression, and social anxiety. Her only e...