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Nadine's POV:

Cade rolls off his bed. I use my soft, white blanket to cover my face, hiding Zara completely under them.

He rubs his eyes, looking at me. "Rosewood?" He yawns. "You're being so fucking loud."

I gasp.

"Why're you still awake?"

My hold around my blanket tightens, making sure not to let a peep out. Big people are scary.

"Nadine," he pokes my side and I can't help but giggle. "Ah. I see how it is." He grabs the center of my blanket and swiftly rips it away from me, causing my giggle to grow into a full-blown laugh.

"Ah-ha!" He sits down beside me. I grab Zara and let her peek out of the blanket. I guess she deserves to know what's going on. And she can be my witness if Cade decides to be a meanie.

"You're silly, Cade!"

"Yeah?" His head tilts to the side, only slightly. "So are you, Rosewood."

"Nadiaaaa," I groan dramatically, "My name is Nadia!"

He nods, a big smile on his face. "Okay, okay. Well, Ms. Nadia, it is much past your bedtime. Why are you awake at this time?"

I look away from him, my eyes finding a new focus on Zara. She stays quiet, not giving me anything good to lie with. Zara is a goodie-two-shoes sometimes.

"Hm?" He pokes my side again, urging me to answer. This time I don't laugh.

"I was doing tippy top secret things!"

"Yeah, I bet you were. Were you regressing and playing?"

I nod.

"And how old are you Ms. Nadia?"

"Guess!" I exclaim, the giggle coming back.

Cade looks around the room. His brows crease together, his finger on his chin with a fake pensive look on his face. "Maybe...four or five? Am I close?"

I nod, "Five, five, five!"

He chuckles, "Ah, so I got it right. And since I guessed right that means I get a prize."

"A prize?" I cock my head to the side.

"Exactly," He nods. "And I want my prize to be a Nadia all tucked into bed asleep."

My roll eyes so hard they might as well roll out of my head. "Nope!" I grab Zara and lift her all the way out of the blanket. My arms strangle her tight as I stand up on my bed. "Princess Nadia says it's no way time to sleep!"

"What are you the princess of?"

"Um..." I glance down at Zara. "Bunnies!"

He gasps. "Wow, you're the Princess of Bunnies? That's very impressive, but where we are right now humans have much more power than bunnies, and I'm the king of humans."

My jaw drops, but I quickly try to compose myself. "Pffft, yeah, right."

"It's true," he confesses. "Now get your cute little self to sleep."

A frown etches itself deep into my face, "I don't wanna."

He mirrors my frown. "But you've been so tired lately. Don't think I haven't noticed." He grabs my waist and lays me down myself. I try to fight back but it's not use and my heart drops a little. My nose gets all fuzzy, tears in the bridge of it.

Cade drapes my blanket over me and that weird, yucky feeling leaves, getting replaced by a warmer one. "Sleep, please. I don't want you staying up all night playing anymore, okay?"

"Why?" I whine.

"I told you, you've been looking tired lately. It worries me, Nadia."

"Whatever..." I grumble, pushing Zara back under the blanket. She is cold and sleepy like me. Zara likes to sleep and if she sleeps then I can't because if I sleep then she needs to be awake to protect me from the monsters.

"What's wrong?"

"If I sleep monsters will get me..."

Cade shakes his head firmly, his hand petting my hair softly. "No monsters will get you as long as I'm here Nadia, and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon."


"Yes, really."

A smile replaces my frown and I shut my eyes tight.

"I like when you're open like this, Nadine. Thought I lost it."

"I'll miss you, Caden."

"I told you, I'm not going anywhere." He places a small kiss on the top of my head. "I promise."

. . .

[Sorry for another month-long wait for an update TT, I was busy with exams, experienced a small dip in my mental health, and keep getting sick. I need to drink more water, haha. I hope you guys are! Please eat well, sleep well, and drink lots of water.]

[How did you guys like this chapter? This is the first chapter in Nadine's POV where she's regressed, which is mostly because I'm not very confident in writing a regressed POV. I'm scared the writing and inner dialogue will seem too mature (Also probably why this chapter has a lot of dialogue and she's regressed at her oldest, lol), but how'd I do?]

[Also happy Valentine's Day everyone! I wanted Nadine's attempt to be out by this time, but all those inconveniences happened. Ugh, I'm so, so sorry!! Anyway, this Valentine's Day I did have a Valentine! I'll call her KirKir (Not her real name), and we just did it as friends, but I really do have a crush on her. Ahhh, somebody help me TT. Love you all! (^///^)]

Word Count: 832!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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