Chapter 21: Overboard

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This bitch cannot be serious. Jumping off a boat at this height during the night is practically suicide. Then again, turning down the dare is practically social suicide. A real Pogue would jump. So I guess there's only one choice.

"Fine," I say, letting out a sigh as I walk towards the edge.

The girl backs up, shocked by my response. The crowd spreads out, giving me room to walk by. I stood by the railing, looking down at the black water below. The sound of waves crashed, leaving ripples of white water. I take a deep breath in. Thinking about what my life has come to and all I have to lose. To be fair, I can't be losing much if I'm on a boat full of Kooks. I swing my legs over the railing, looking back at the crowd that's watching silently.

"Hurry up!" Someone shouts from the audience.

I turn back around to face the water. The dead night sky filling my field of vision. I close my eyes, taking in one last breath and squeezing the metal railing tightly behind me.

"Here goes nothing," I mutter, releasing my grip.

I feel my body lean forwards as I let go. Fully embraced in the wind as I fall towards the sea. My body hits the water hard, sending a splash up into the air. I feel the ice cold ocean tear through my skin. Sending shock waves up my spine. I feel lifeless as my body fully submerges in the water. Plunging in to the darkness like a corpse. My face tenses up, feeling the icy needles wash over my cheeks. After what felt like a minute underwater, I finally came up for air. It was like being reborn.

"WHOOO!!! That's what I'm talking about!!!" I scream, waving my hands up in the air whilst trying to keep afloat. "No Kook shit."

A slow applause gradually picks up speed into a crowd of cheers. Go Kie is chanted around the boat. I laugh from the adrenaline and praise. My smile grows wider as the short girl rolls her eyes in disbelief. Didn't think I'd do it did you bitch? Her scowl begins to fade into a fearful expression. Her eyes widen as her jaw drops, staring directly behind me.

"Sh-SHARK!!!" She screams.

Gasps break out amongst the crowd followed by worried faces. I turn around almost immediately, spinning back and forth to find a fin. The cold water starts to leave me numb. I try to control my splashing so the shark doesn't notice me. Everything is dark. If a shark were right in front of me, the only way I'd find out is the hard way. I take a few shaky breaths of air in before turning around to a familiar voice.

"Kie!" Rafe yells, holding out his hand at the bottom of the boat.

He steadies himself on the ledge reading My Druthers. His face still smeared with red lipstick. I swim towards him a little before he backs up.

"THE SHARK! It's right behind you!!" He screams.

I turn around once more, frightened for my life. Tears swell in my eyes as the thought of dying overtakes me. Is this really it? Kiara Carrera, death by a shark. JJ would be proud...

Suddenly Rafe bursts into laughter. I spin back to face him, watching as he huddles over from laughing so hard.

"Oh my god you should see your face! You were all like- ahhhh," Rafe says, giving me a mocking scream before going back to laughing.

"You and your little girlfriend are assholes," I scoff, continuing to tread the water.

"Oh common Kie she was just kidding around. And that bitch is not my girlfriend. I'm very much single, so no need to get jealous." He winks.

"Just get me out of here," I say wincing as I swim towards the boat.

He holds out a hand, much too far away to reach mine.

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