Chapter 24

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" Alec!!! Can I talk to you for a second?" he asked while stopping him, on the way.. 

"Mr. Mariachi!!!(he smiled gently but he knows he is one of those hands who is trying to kill him just to snap his place in this Mafia world but still Alec played cool) how are you??Haven't met you for a long time" Alec said still smiling at him, he checked his phone meanwhile.. Because he texted Magnus like an hour ago but he isn't responding.. 

Mariachi : I am great… (Alec nodded with a smile) I want to ask you something (he said and continued) in this meetup..earlier You talked about our safety ..that's a good talk by the way … But is it only applicable for speech??? Because Cole and his friend Pedro went missing… The cops said they didn't even find a dead body.. So that means our boss of the Mafia killed both of them and threw them into the deep ocean(Alec gave a little smile and replied.) and about Miguel you just handed one of our people to the cops.. How could we trust our own people after that… How shameful is it to be the head of the mafia? (he asked bit skeptically) 

"do you really wanna do this?!" Jace interrupted and asked while looking at mariachi a bit angrily.

But Alec was still smiling looking at mariachi "Mr. Mariachi, about Cole and Pedro.. I have my reasons to take them and what I did to them is none of your's a personal settlement between me and don't have to worry about that…(mariachi stared at him with his nose bulging in anger) And about Miguel… he did some inhuman thing.. It's not just mafia or smuggling… It's a child trafficking and cold hearted organ trafficking business… (he said bit angrily) 

Mariachi : you should have warned him before handing him to the cops (he argued) after all he is our people 

Alec :didn't you hear my words mariachi..??What he runs is not an organ donation organization.. It's trafficking,(he repeated again) that means killing someone who is healthy and young for their organs…. (he Tried to explain in his way) okay think like this (Jace listened to Alec) you are having a great time out in a park or restaurant with your family and loved ones..(mariachi rolled his eyes) I know it's not easy for a gangster or mobster.. But just think that you are having some happy family time… And suddenly someone took your 8 year old son  away from you and  your family, they slit his throat to shut him up and rip his heart out from his  body when he is conscious and alive.. Does that sound okay to you.?? If it happens to your son, you just warn that person and let him go?? (he asked him who looked at him in total horror) isn't it scary…?? 

Mariachi : that's so horrible I Agree but killing Cole and Pedro for silly reason is not good.. (he said nervously) 

Jace :Are you scared of us?? Are you doing any business like this??!because if not you don't have to worry about us!(Jace said in mocking way for which Alec smiled and patted his shoulder) 

Alec :Miguel and Cole both were  involved in such business… until you are clean from such business you don't have to worry and whoever is doing such business on my back is gonna disappear one by one just like Pedro and Cole .. And still you won't  find their body in future.. (he said bit angrily and smiled at the end before he was about to leave ) 

Mariachi : believe me one day or another.. Someone is gonna take the most important  person from your life and that person will disappear just like you did to Pedro and Cole, and never gonna come back to you, on that day you will understand the pain .. (he cursed Alec) 

Jace : Let's see who is gonna disappear !! (he mocked again and left the place by dragging along with him but the other person was lost in thought. When mariachi says important person. His mind gets directly to Magnus.. To his confusion, Magnus has not answered his text since the afternoon.. He gazed at mariachi's anger filled face until he got inside his car.. because if these mafia people say something indirectly that means either they did it or they gonna do it in future..) 

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