1 : language
2%: habitable land area
16: levels *
10,168,115,209: population
10,201,348.4 km2: surface area
212,703 km2 : hydro-electric networks
50,000,000,000: solar panels
2,345 : seaweed farms
45,465,765,940: fruit trees
605 655 700 : animals
* Humanicity levels :
L-0: Mineral resources
L-1: Aquatic resources
L-2: Plant resources
L-3: Animal resources
L-4: Human resources
L-5: Hospital
L-6: Builders
L-7: Engineers
L-8: Architects
L-9: Graphic designers
L-10 : Encoders
L-11 : Savants
L-12 : Prodigies
L-13 : Democrats
L-14 : Defenders
L-15 : Gouvernor
Humanicity (English version)
Bilim KurguWelcome to Humanicity, a magnificent futuristic city built to house 1 billion people on just 2% of the earth's surface. This is where Astra lives, a young woman assigned to plant resources. One day, she hopes to discover what lies beyond the barrie...