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I've always loved fairy tales.

You know, the ones where the beautiful princess is trapped in a tall tower by an evil witch/ fire-breathing dragon. Then, one day, a dashing prince defeats the evil being and BAM the prince and princess instantly fall in love. Then, they proceed to ride off into the sunset to a paradise filled with rainbows and unicorns and marshmallows and live happily ever after. Don't even try to deny it boys; you know you've heard of at least one of these stories. Fine, you can act like you've never heard one, but at least the girls know what I'm talking about, right?

I bet you girls even dressed up as one of these fairytale heroines for Halloween and wished with all of your heart that you were a real princess. I know when I was five I did.

Well, I'm going to tell you something, and I want you all to listen very carefully: being trapped in a room a thousand feet above the ground with nothing to do really, really, and I mean really sucks.

Yeah, the room I'm stuck in is pretty nice with a huge yet simple, white bed and a white rug underneath it, a white flat screen TV on top of the white dresser, and a completely white bathroom right next to my room.

Yes, they had the nerve to lock me in a room with no color. Whoop dee doo. In fact, the only source of color in this room is my green eyes and blond hair. Even the food I can order through the chute near the door is white, though, I must say, it's some of the most delicious food I've ever tasted. But that's besides the point.

Moral of the story: Being locked in a room a thousand feet above the ground is not fun. It must've really sucked for those princesses.

But, I'm not a princess. Quite the opposite in fact. Also, an evil witch didn't lock me in here; the angels did. No, I'm not a demon, or some psychopath who tried to destroy the world. I'm a normal person, just like you. Except, I'm in heaven.

At least, they said I am. Who knew heaven could be so boring.

The angels say everything will change when the one person I care about most will come. The walls, my bed, the food, everything will have color again. And I'll finally be able to come and go as I please.

I know he's not coming though, at least, not for a long time. The angels say I won't be happy without him here, and because I'm not happy, I'm not truly in heaven. I guess you could say I'm in some sort of passing place between earth and heaven. I should be angry that they're not letting me pass, but in all honesty, they're right. Heaven can only truly be heaven, a place where I am truly and unutterably happy, if he's here with me.

So, here I am, sitting on my bed, my dark, dirty blond hair cascading down my shoulders and hands folded in my lap as I stare at the swirling clouds in front of me.

Waiting for my prince to rescue me from my room a thousand feet above the ground.

Waiting for him to join me in heaven.


Hey guys, what do you think? This is the first time in quite a while that I've written a story. In fact, unless writing a 9 page story (half of which was just drawings) in second grade, I've never really written a book before, so if you find anything I can improve on, please tell me. I could really use the help.

Thanks so much :)

P.S. Don't be afraid to comment and vote!

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