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Ownership (n.)
the act of possessing something entirely

)the act of possessing something entirely_________________

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   "Hey, Jayden," Cage greeted in a polite and almost casual manner as his grip on the boy's shoulder tightened. "I didn't mean to interrupt your... conversation, but I need to speak to you about something." Moving Jayden further away from (Y/N), he then whispered without his smile dropping, "Fuck off."

    Jayden stiffened.

    He knew better than to irritate someone like Cage who could say one word to his father and get him expelled from the school.

He quickly walked away.

Cage watched Jayden disappear around a corner before turning back to where (Y/N) had been standing, blinking in surprise when she wasn't there. Looking both ways down the hall, he let out a short and dry chuckle when seeing her already halfway down the corridor to his right. He didn't necessarily want to follow her, but considering his class was also in that direction, he had no choice.

"Hey," he called after running up to her, slowing down so he could walk beside her.

"Ah," (Y/N) seemed taken aback. "Hey..."

"I didn't expect to see you here, ice cream girl," he smiled, watching with amusement as her nose scrunched at the nickname—he then found it even more amusing when she didn't say anything to him about it. "But, considering there are so many people going here, I don't know everyone's faces. What's your name again?"

    "Uh... Hermione."

    "Now, I know that doesn't sound right," Cage smirked as he slid his hands into his pockets.

    "Damn, you got me," she muttered, her tired eyes staring straight ahead and not once looking back at him again.

    "So? What is it?"

    (Y/N) didn't answer him, instead walking just a little bit faster so she could reach the chemistry room. It wasn't fun having one of her hardest classes in the morning, but then again, it now seemed like a saving grace to her. Reaching for the door handle, she quickly twisted it and stepped inside, flinching at the fact that as soon as she did, everyone's eyes were on her—that included Thorne Henderson.

    "(Y/N)... do you have a late note?" Thorne asked as he placed both of his hands on the edges of his desk and leaned forward.

    "No, um, so—"

    "She was with me helping my father out, Mr. Henderson," Cage stepped in front of (Y/N), using the same lie as usual to get teachers off his back for being late, a strategy that always worked. "We're sorry for being late, but could you perhaps let us off for this one, please?"

    Thorne sighed.

    "Fine," he finally nodded as he swept a hand through his messy blonde hair. "Just go take your seats. Now, this formula is..."

    Moving towards her usual seat in the back that thankfully wasn't taken, (Y/N) sat down and began to unpack. Not only that, but the seat beside her was already taken up by someone, so Cage couldn't follow. Not like he seemed so concerned to do so though, reverting back to his usual manner of flirting with the group of girls surrounding him or chatting with his other friends.

    He was in a completely different world than (Y/N)'s own, and she hoped to keep it that way.

    She didn't want to interact with him again.

    She also was just too tired to do so.

    Continuing to pay attention all throughout the lecture, her notebook page now full of notes, she then followed her usual routine of packing up. However, when passing Thorne's desk, he called her back. She fidgeted under his scrutinizing gaze, even more so due to the fact that the last student trickled out of them room leaving just her and him.

    "Do you know why I asked you to stay back?" Thorne asked after a moment.

    She shook her head.

    "While I know you're a bright student who always tries her hardest, I can't help but notice how you continue to struggle in my class—even with my tutoring," he began as he laced his fingers together, his blue eyes unwavering. "I'll be busier from now on, so I won't have time for our sessions. But I know you need them. So, after seeing how close you were with Cage, I'm thinking that maybe he can continue your lessons since he is a straight-A student. I've already sent him an email about it, and he accepted. But... are you okay with that?"

    (Y/N)'s eyes widened ever so slightly.

    Tutoring... from Cage?

    Rubbing the back of her neck and casting her (E/C) eyes to the floor, she contemplated the question. She had just been thinking about hoping to avoid Cage, but now there was tutoring.

    And she needed that.

    "Yeah... it's fine," she nodded, her heart then fluttering at the smile Thorne gave her.

    She quickly squashed the feeling.

    Giving a quick wave goodbye, (Y/N) then walked out of the room towards her next class, dropping her bag off before excusing herself quietly to the restroom. After finishing her business, flushing the toilet, and zipping up her pants, she was just about to unlock the stall door when she stopped, two other girls entering clearly talking about her.

    "Who was that girl with Cage this morning?" One of them spoke, her voice high and light, almost sounding like that of a fairy's.

    "Who knows? She was so fucking plain, though," the other replied, her voice deeper and tinged with a slight accent that made her sound quite classy. "I mean, did you see those bags under her eyes? Like, it's called having a sleep schedule. Cage would never be interested in someone like that."

    (Y/N) touched her eyes.


    No wonder I feel tired.

    When did I get to sleep last night again?

    Ah, whatever.

    "You think so?" The first one asked.

    "Of course!" Her friend reassured, (Y/N) hearing a small ruffling sound and assuming the girl gave the other a pat on the back. "And even if she does try anything, we'll just remind her of her place. I think she's only here on scholarship, so evicting her from this school will be nothing."

    The two girls laughed at that, gossiping and applying makeup for only a few minutes more before they then left. (Y/N) waited a few seconds to make sure they were really gone before exiting the stall to wash her hands.

    Her frown deepened.   


To be continued...

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