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Ownership (n.)
the act of possessing something entirely

)the act of possessing something entirely_________________

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   "What?" Cage stared at (Y/N) in shock after she had told him the news, a sudden wave of fear that he wasn't sure of gripping him in its icy clutches—fear of never being able to see her again, and fear of being forced to let her go. "That... that can't be. Your mother's business is failing... how?"

    "Apparently it's in debt," she shook her head.

    Cage fell silent.

    She couldn't leave.

    He knew that.

    And as he stared into her eyes, he felt this unwavering urge to possess her and control her.

    Maybe it was because (Y/N) had become a constant to him that he felt this strong urge, or maybe it was because, all of his life, he was always given what he wanted, and right now, what he wanted was slowly starting to slip from his grasp. He had only known her for a month, yet in that time, he had grown so very attached to her.

    It was startling.

    But at the same time, he didn't care.

    She was the only one in that entire school who really knew him—who broke down the walls that he had built and seen into his heart. To Cage, (Y/N) was the one true friend he had never had that wasn't with him for his power or his wealth or even his looks. She was just there because of an accidental meeting, and because she wanted to be.

    So, he couldn't let her leave him.

    He couldn't.

    After comforting (Y/N) for a little longer while subtly manipulating her into giving him more information, Cage then walked out of the small shop and dialed a number. Pressing his phone to his ear, his other hand in his pocket, his expression void of any and all emotion, he waited for the person on the other line to pick up.


    "Hey, dad," Cage greeted his father, Evan Winters, Headmaster to his school and successful millionaire entrepreneur. "I want you to do something for me..."

    Speaking with his father for only a few moments more, Cage then hung up the phone. Sliding the device into his other pocket, he let out a slow breath, knowing that what he had just did would change the relationship between him and (Y/N) drastically. But again, he didn't care—so long as she was beside him, he didn't care what methods he had to use to keep her firmly in place there. He was a bit disturbed by his behavior, this erratic need to keep (Y/N) with him, but he couldn't help it.

    She amused him.

    And then, ever so slowly, that changed to him caring about her and her opinions.

    He wondered about that.

    Constantly, he did.

    Cage wondered if this would have happened if it had been someone different working in that ice cream shop when he stopped there by chance. He wondered if he would have become as interested in them as he was with (Y/N), but then he was always able to put a stop to those wonderings when he realized that no one else was like her.

    No one could replace her.

    That chance meeting between him and (Y/N) was what led to these strong emotions, and no one else but her could have been able to receive them.

    No one.

    And as Cage walked to his car upon this realization, he didn't realize that (Y/N) herself had been watching him. When noticing him out the glass window, when seeing that he hadn't fully left yet and was only taking a call, she felt her brows draw across her face when taking in his expression. It was so unlike what she usually saw from him, and while normally she wouldn't care, something in her gut couldn't shake the feeling that something was very wrong.

    But what, she didn't know.

Deciding not to think too much about it, (Y/N) returned her focus to her job until it was time to close, eagerly returning home to not only take a nice warm shower, but to also cuddle with Gabby.

She was tired.

Too tired.

Adding the stress of her mother's troubles with her business to her already hectic schedule, (Y/N) hugged her (cat/dog) closer to her chest as she curled into a more fetus-like position on her bed. Something about her reality and the thought of having to give up so much of what she worked hard for wasn't something she wanted to accept—even more so when she finally found a friend in the most unlikeliest of people.

She saw the look on Cage's face.

She saw how much the prospect of her leaving him if her mother's business failed hurt him.

So, she prayed.

Prayed and hoped that it wouldn't happen.

That everything would be fine.

And as if God or some higher being had heard her prayers, the next morning when she stumbled down the stairs in pajamas for some breakfast, she was startled when Darlene almost knocked her over when engulfing her in a large hug. The woman's eyes were filled with a type of relief and joy that made (Y/N)'s heart flutter with hope.

"Mom?" She then asked after returning Darlene's hug, pulling away for a moment. "Did something... good happen?"

    "Yes!" She exclaimed, her grin alit with excitement that sent electric jolts through her body.

    "Well... what happened?"

    "My boss just called me to tell me that someone has not only bought the business, but also cleared all of our debt!" Darlene cheered, her happiness infectious as the corners of (Y/N)'s lips tilted upwards. "Now what I originally had to pay decreased by twice of what it was! Our benefactor is even thinking of expanding the business to help customer profits."

    "That's great, mom, I'm so glad," (Y/N) clapped at Darlene's turn of fortune. "Who helped, though?"

    "Evan Winters, actually," Darlene gave her daughter a bit of a crooked smile when revealing that fact. "The Headmaster of your school."

    (Y/N) blinked.



To be continued...

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