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Ownership (n.)
the act of possessing something entirely

)the act of possessing something entirely_________________

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   Letting out a sigh as she shrugged her backpack off and collapsed onto the couch of her home, tired from that day, (Y/N) readily bundled up in a blanket and closed her eyes. It wasn't that the day was stressful, but it was busy, especially speaking with Thorne about her missing assignment. Luckily, she had been able to get an extension on it and he wouldn't mark it as late.

He's a good teacher.

Smiling to herself, (Y/N) then began to thread her fingers through Gabby's soft fur, the (dog/cat) having crawled up beside her to cuddle. Allowing herself to procrastinate for a solid thirty minutes considering it was the weekend, scrolling through her phone as she did so, she then stumbled upward to her room to complete homework. Popping her earbuds in, she then allowed the task to consume most of the afternoon, and by the time she was done, the sun was setting. When taking her headphones out, she startled when hearing the doorbell ring.

Who could that be?

Descending the stairs and opening the door, (Y/N) blinked when seeing Darlene swamped with groceries and an agitated expression painting her features, pushing past her to set the food on the counter whilst snapping, "What took so long, (Y/N)? I rang that bell five times!"

"Ah, sorry," the girl let out a breath. "I had my headphones in while I did my homework. I couldn't hear you."

"Whatever," Darlene sighed as she glared at her daughter, removing the items from the bags. "Now, help me unload the car, please. Least you can do for making me wait after the crappy day I had."

Mood souring, (Y/N) grabbed the last couple bags and locked the car before heading back inside. Grumbling to herself, she shut the front door and put the groceries down, just about to head back upstairs until something made her stop short. Stepping tentatively into the living room, she couldn't help but fill with worry when spotting Darlene with her head cradled in her hands, her body trembling with each shaky breath she took in—a clear sign of tears.

"Mom?" She uttered, walking in quickly to rest a hand on Darlene's back. "Are you okay?"

"No," she whispered, lifting her head to reveal the tears that streamed down her cheeks. "Nothing is okay. Nothing."

"What? Why?"

"Honey, I-I haven't been... entirely truthful with you about how... how we're doing," Darlene started, her voice hushed with desperation and a type of desolation that would break anyone's heart. "I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I-I... the business... i-it isn't doing so well, and I can't do a-anything about it even though I thought that large order would change things, but..."

"The business... is failing? How did that... happen?" (Y/N) blinked in disbelief.

"There hasn't been a lot of people buying our merchandise lately, and..." she trailed off as she wiped her tears away, wishing she hadn't shown such a side of her. "Our debt has been climbing. I don't think we can afford this place and your school's tuition any longer."

(Y/N) slowly took a seat beside her mother.

"I'm sorry..." Darlene proclaimed as her fingers laced together, her lips then pressing against the intertwined hands.

"So... is this why you've been staying out so late? And... why you've been so irritated?"


At that one word, silence descended upon the two of them with the only sound filling the kitchen being the quiet tick of the clock. In that said silence, Darlene rose from her seat to walk toward the wine cabinet so she could pour herself a glass. (Y/N) watched as she did so, then directing her gaze to her hands that were twined together tightly in her lap. She hadn't even thought about Darlene's business somehow failing, yet it was true.

She then glanced at the clock.

"I have to get going now, mom, to my job," she murmured softly as she grabbed her keys and jacket, the woman saying nothing to that.

(Y/N) sighed.

Closing the door being her and shivering in the cold night, her breath visible, she was glad to be gone from the stifling apartment. But at the same time, she also didn't want to leave Darlene alone when she was hurting so much. Staring at the sidewalk as her mind swirled with activity, she tried to shake off her doubts.

I'm sure things will work out.

Driving to the ice cream shop, relieving the worker that had been on duty before her, (Y/N) allowed her mind to wander as she began restocking the cups and cones even though she knew she would only get one or two customers so late and in this cold night. But it was a good distraction, and one she needed quite desperately.

The bell over the door jingled.

She flinched.

"Welcome in!" She gave a tight smile as she turned to face the customer, the look instantly dropping into one of surprise when spotting Cage.

"Hey," he greeted.

"Hey..." (Y/N) raised a brow, confused at his presence. "You want ice cream now? When it's so cold out?"

"I actually do," Cage rolled his eyes at her monotone yet mocking manner, cupping his chin as he bent down and pretended to analyze the ice cream flavors. "However... it seems I just can't make up my mind. What flavor would you recommend me, ice cream girl?"

Both of her brows were now raised.

Cage merely smiled.

"Well, dear customer," (Y/N) hummed as she gestured to the variety. "If you like peanut butter, maybe our chocolate and peanut butter swirl, or if you like something more sweet, then the cheesecake surprise. Or, even just a simple strawberry. Do any of those choices sound appetizing to you?"

"Hm... I got it," Cage snapped his fingers, smirking. "I'll just take the Oreo crumble."

(Y/N) let out a small chuckle.

Cage's expression softened.

For even though he hadn't realized it, he had been able to take her mind off of her reality—one where she hoped she could escape from.


To be continued...

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