Chapter Three

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Breyna felt a chill run down her spine as she boarded the large wooden ship. The cool wind whipped against her overcoat. The top of the sun lingered on the horizon, leaving the sky still a dark shade of blue. Benjicot grasped onto his sister's hand tightly and he let her lead him up the ramp and onto the ship.

The boat passage from Raventree Hall to Dragonstone took a fortnight plus two days. Breyna spent most of the days on the water entertaining Benjicot. She grew extra familiar and frankly fond of all of Benjicot's wooden figurines and books over the passage to Dragonstone.

Breyna lay awake at night imagining the Princess. She idolized Princess Rhaenyra. She imagined the Princess in her head since she was only a babe. Besides Tila Arryn, Rhaenyra Targaryen was the only woman Breyna wished to grow up to be.

Breyna also lay awake imaging Prince Jacaerys. She wondered what he looked like. Did he have stark white hair like his mother? Was his complexion fair like his mother's or closer to his father's? Was he kind? Did he behave like a true prince? The girl's imagination ran wild. What if he doesn't like me? What if he is malevolent and unkind? Breyna anticipated that Jacaerys was already betrothed. Surely she stood no chance in taking a prince's hand. The small girl prepared to be rejected by the prince and his mother and tossed straight back into her boring life in the Riverlands.

Lady Breyna knew little of what her life would become.


"Come Benjicot," Breyna spoke with purpose to her younger brother. "We have arrived!"

The small brunette boy grabbed his sister's hand and followed her lead up to the ship deck.

"Just stay near to me, Benjicot," Breyna whispered down to her brother.

The children gawked at the Princess Rhaenys and Lord Velaryon. Their life in the Riverlands was boring and plain. Benjicot especially had never seen anything or anyone outside of the Riverlands. Breyna could barely recount her memories of outsiders from when they came to honor her mother. Neither of the children had ever left the Riverlands, both of them staying near Raventree Hall their entire lives. The sandy beach caught both of their eyes and with every step closer they anticipated what it would feel like under their feet.

"Lord Samwell of house Blackwood," one of the knights escorting them down called. "And his kin, Lady Breyna and Lord Benjicot!"

"Samwell!" Coryls Velaryon shouted with glee as he opened his arms to his old friend. Breyna's eyes were wide as she watched her father hug the blonde man that stood on the beach.

"Hello children," the Princess said with a warm smile on her face.

Breyna admired her long white hair and the beautiful blue dress she wore. Breyna almost stumbled over herself, quickly curtseying towards the taller woman.

"You probably don't have much memory of me, do you?" Rhaenys chuckled as she eyed the small girl and boy.

"I'm afraid I do not Princess," Breyna stuttered out, grasping her brother's hand once again.

"You both have grown so much. Come here," she said, bending down and opening her arms wide. Both of the children ran into the woman's arms and felt immediately comforted by her touch.

"Have you been taking good care of your brother Breyna?"

The young girl nodded profusely, "I have Princess."

"Good," Rhaenys nodded with a smile.

"Welcome to Driftmark!" Corlys bellowed down at the children, his arms held out wide.

"Thank you Lord Corlys," Breyna curtsied again, glancing down to her brother with a knowing look. Benjiot quickly bowed his small head in the Lord's direction, following suit of his older sister.

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