Chapter Eight

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i went back and edited a lot from the first seven chapters to make the timeline actually add up. idk if i was half asleep when i was writing those or what but it's all fixed now! (it's actually breyna's thirteenth name day not tenth)

When Breyna returned to her bedchambers, Mysla already had a warm bath drawn for her. "How was hunting my lady?"

"I shot a boar dead with only one arrow," Breyna replied, slipping off her bloodsoaked shirt.

"Good Lady Breyna," Mysla said, untying the tall riding boots that were laced up Breyna's legs.

"A Bracken boy died."

"What?" Mysla looked up to the lady's face. Breyna's eyes stared straight ahead and there weren't any emotions present on her face.

"He ran at me with a knife and I fell backwards with my bow in my hand. He fell on top of my nocked arrow. It looked like it went right through his heart."

"Gods be good, Breyna. Are you alright?" Just then the door swung open and a maester flew into the room. "I'm here for your shoulder Lady Breyna."

"He got my shoulder but other than that I'm fine," Breyna said, giving Mysla a fake smile.

Breyna sat in front of her mirror, Mysla stood behind her and braided her hair beautifully. "I can't stop picturing the boy's face, Mysla. His eyes were open but lifeless and blood poured from his mouth down his chin."

"When I was young I watched a girl die. I shall spare the details but it was in a similar fashion. I too could not picture anything else in my mind after seeing it. The thing that helped me the most was being with others. My friends. My family. I constantly surrounded myself with people so that my mind wouldn't wander too far. There will be many familiar faces in the great hall tonight, my lady. I'm sure you will be plenty distracted."

The maiden continued on Breyna's hair while Breyna slid her favorite bracelets onto her wrists and rings onto her fingers. The dress Breyna wore was one of the late Tila Arryn's dresses. It was light blue with long sleeves. The dress went off of her shoulders slightly, exposing the bandage that was wrapped around her stitched wound.

"You look beautiful, Lady Breyna. You're growing into a young lady, no longer a little girl."

"Thank you, Mysla."

Breyna made her way down to the great hall at Raventree. Her feet moved as quickly as they could while still walking like a proper lady. Finally the large heavy doors came into view. A guard who stood at the doors nodded at the little lady before pushing the doors open. The young Blackwood stepped forwards and into the bright hall.

The girl gawked at the crowd that filled the hall. Breyna didn't think she had ever seen this many people in their castle before. A wide gleaming grin grew on her face when she spotted a familiar dark head of hair.

"Aunt Aly!"

Alysanne Blackwood thought she was looking in a mirror of the past when she saw Breyna run into the hall.

"Breyna!" Lady Alysanne opened her arms wide and embraced the younger girl. "You look so... old."

"I could say the same about you Aly. The north must have aged you."

Alysanne's mouth dropped open sarcastically before upturning into a smirk, "Watch your tongue, my lady."

Breyna giggled and glanced at the tall boy who sat beside Alysanne.

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