Chapter One

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A small child, about three years of age, ran through a dimly lit stone hallway of Raventree Hall, her tiny feet pitter-pattering.

"Slow down Breyna." The girl's father bellowed behind her. Even with his long strides, he couldn't seem to keep up with the child. There was a warm smile on his face though, one that never really left when he was in the presence of his daughter.

"Mummy!" The girl exclaimed as she entered the quiet bed chamber.

"Shhhh," her father said, pressing his finger to his lips.

"Hello sweet girl," the woman in the bed spoke quietly with a soft smile. She looked down to her daughter who was trying to climb up onto the bed.

"Here," her father hoisted her up so she was now sitting next to her mother. The man, Samwell Blackwood, took in the scene in front of him. His small daughter with her thick long curls sat next to her mother, his wife. Anyone could tell the pair were mother and daughter, one a smaller spitting image of the other.

"What will we call him, Mother?"

The small girl's eyes peered into her mothers arms. The baby's eyes were closed and he laid peacefully still.

"Benjicot," her mother whispered quietly, looking from her new babe to her young daughter.

"Baby Benjicot," the child hummed as she reached to touch the baby's face.

"Be gentle, Breyna."

"Baby Benni," the child's finger stroked the baby's delicate cheek.

"Now Breyna, you are his big sister. He will learn from you and trust in you."

Breyna stared into her mother's eyes and nodded her head along with what her mother was saying. Despite the girl being three years old, she promised she would always protect the boy. Baby Benjicot.

Breyna sat curled up next to her mother, admiring the new addition to their family.

"Sam, take him," the woman said, extending her arms out towards her husband.

Samwell lifted the tiny newborn babe from his wife's arms and cradled him in his own.

Breyna's mother cupped her cheek and pulled her closer, planting a soft kiss on it. "I love you Breyna."

"I love you too Mother."

Breyna watched the color suddenly drain from her mother's face and her eyes rolled back into her head, Breyna only seeing the whites of them.

"Mummy," she whispered, grabbing her mother's cool hand tightly.

The little girl turned to look at her dad who stood at the end of the bed. His eyes were wide and he briskly handed the baby off to one of the handmaidens who stood near the doorway.

"Maester!" His sharp yell frightened Breyna. "Come, Breyna," he scooped the small girl up with ease and handed her to another one of the maidens. "Take them."


"Listen to the maidens Breyna. Go on."

The little curly haired brunette took one last glance towards her mother. Her mother laid still in the bed, her eyes still open slightly, but only white. The bright white sheets were bloodied and red. Breyna began to cry, the handmaiden having to scoop her up and carry her out of the room. The heavy doors shut behind them and a newborn babe's cry echoed through the hall.

The little girl laid awake and stared at the fine brush strokes that scattered the ceiling. She had been rushed to her room and tucked in for bed by the handmaidens. She only got to look at her new baby brother for a few minutes before they were both whisked away.

Breyna did not understand death. All she knew of death was what her mother had told her: death comes and grabs the hands of the people you love, to lead them away. Her mother told her that death came when one was old and had lived through many moons.

Breyna didn't think death would be coming to take the hand of her mother so soon.

Maybe it wasn't death, maybe she only needed sleep after birthing the babe. Breyna had heard that child birth was a difficult and tiring thing.


"Good morrow Lady Breyna."

"Good morrow," Breyna muttered as she continued to play with the wooden figurines that lined the floor.

The maiden cleared her throat a bit before speaking again, "Lady Breyna..." The young woman hesitated as she met the child's wide green eyes. "Lady Tila of House Arryn has um... passed on."

"Does that mean death came for her, Mysla?"

The handmaiden, Mysla, nodded and looked down to her feet, not able to look at the young child any longer. "Yes M'lady." Without meeting the child's eyes, Mysla scooped her up into her arms and stroked her soft curls. Breyna began to cry and rested her head on the shoulder of the maiden.

Mysla hushed Breyna as she sat down into the rocking chair that still sat in the corner of Breyna's room from when she was a babe.

"I won't see Mummy again?"

"I'm afraid not child."

Mysla held the little girl in her arms until she had cried herself to sleep.

The woman waited until the child's eyes were shut and the tears had dried on her soft cheeks to let a tear of her own fall from her eye. 

The Raven, J. VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now