Momma, why?

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My parents have been oddly cheery these past few weeks. Buying me new clothes, make up, paying to have my nails done that I refused and settled for my mom putting clear nail polish on me, my mom even let me make an instagram account and paid someone to show me how to take good pictures. They have been more strict about what I eat and how much though.

My dad has started letting me in on certain aspects of the 'family business.' Like what he does, what he makes my brother do, what my mom does. He told me an hour ago that I'd start training tomorrow.

It's really weird and I have been so anxious it's made me sick nearly every day.

I'm honestly terrified but there's no one I can talk to about it. Not my brother, he's my bestie but if he gets caught validating my fears I don't think that would go over well. Not my mom, she keeps telling me I'll 'fall into place eventually.' And certainly not my dad, he'd beat my ass.

*knock knock*

"Yes?" I say, sitting up on my bed.

My door opens revealing my mother, "hey sweetheart, we have guests coming for dinner and I need you looking presentable. You are part of this one."

I look at her confused as I get up to grab my makeup from my bathroom. Sitting in front of my desk that doubles as a vanity when it has to I hand my mom what I have.

"You don't have to do anything except be polite and look pretty. Follow what I do," she says, clipping my hair back and starting my face.

"Yes ma'am" I respond quietly, my nerves on fire once more.

Why are they choosing now when I'm almost 18 to involve me in the business? They've been using my brother since age 10 that I know of. I've always been in the background only really told where not to go and who not to talk to.


"Alright, I know the dress is in here somewhere," she says, rummaging around in my closet.

"Ah, found it"

She turns around and shows me a white dress with small pink flowers on it. It's long with a slit up to mid thigh and spaghetti straps. There's also a light pink cardigan on the hanger.


"I wore this when I- oh never mind, I knew you'd be around my size at this age so I saved it for you!" My mom exclaims, an eerily happy smile on her face.

"You wore this? Do you have any pictures?" I ask, pretending to be interested.

"I did! Come with me, I'll pull out the album. We have some time before the guests arrive and dinner is catered anyways." She says, grabbing my hand and pulling me with her out of my room.

We cross over into my parents bedroom. The room holding less than optimal memories.

"Go put this on while I find the album!" My mom says, handing me the clothes with a smile.

I half smile back and head to their bathroom. Careful not to look around too much I change quickly. Thankfully I have on opaque skin color pantyhose and the dress has a cardigan. That would've been hard to explain. And I definitely wouldn't be on their good side anymore..

I grab my clothes and exit the bathroom to find my mom sitting on the bed with an album open. She seems to not notice my presence. There's a far off look in her eyes, somewhere in there sadness resides. I've never seen her look this way before. She's always been strong and bold, never sad and fragile (?) looking. Hm?

"Oh, sorry sweetie! Come sit" she looks up at me and says with a smile patting the spot beside her.

I do as she says, sitting beside her and folding my clothes into a neat pile to throw in my laundry basket.

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