I Can Depend On Them

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Ducking and dodging scaffolding and rusty fire escapes I sprint silently to keep up with the recruiting team. They don't know I'm here, but I know it's them.

I keep an eye on them from afar. Trying out a new method to improve my skills.

I need to know the criteria for who to approach to recruit.

One of the experienced ones breaks off from the rest. I follow him, he probably has more to show me.

He crosses the street to my side and enters an alley. Making sure to stick close to the walls I continue after him.

The street lights are flickering barely lit. It's a bit damp like all alleys are. So, I need to be careful how I move. Water is louder than people think. More of a giveaway.

I observe as he emerges at the other side of the alley just as a man in leisure wear walks by. This man looks well off but clearly hurting and frustrated, angry even.

The recruiter approaches him with worry. Placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.

I inch closer so I can hear him.

"Are you alright man? You don't look okay" the recruiter says.

The man looks up at him slightly startled, "uh yeah, all good. Thank you though."

"Hey, please just hang on a minute. I, uh, you look how my brother did before he uh, before he passed. I don't want the same to happen to you," the recruiter pleads, following after the man and placing his hand gently on his shoulder again.

The man stops and stares at the recruiter. I wonder what's going through his head?

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss-"

"Look I know I'm just a stranger on the street but for the sake of my sanity will you please tell me what's going on? If you need help I actually am part of a company that helps people in tough situations," the recruiter says, starting his 'sales pitch' as I call it.

So this is how they do it. I understand now. Assess the body language, play to it, slip in a promise of something the person wants or needs, bamalam.

Got it.

Now it's my turn.

*Time Skip*

"Y/N GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW!" My dad yells waking me up from my sleep.

Out of muscle memory I scramble out of bed at lightning speed and manage to wake up on the way down the stairs.

I find my dad in the living room pacing. Clearly furious.

Standing in front of him I stay silent. Speaking when he's pacing when you haven't been prompted to do so is not a good move.

"Do you know where Owen is?" He asks trying to keep his anger to a minimum in case I know the answer.

"I do not. He was home when I got home." I respond in a low tone with my head down.

"LIAR. I never once saw him come home. Where is he!" He says his loud voice causing me to flinch.

"I don't know. I remember seeing him home last night. If he's not at school already or training then I don't know where he is. Honest." I reply, being as truthful as possible.

"Once again. Lies. You are to go find him now. Don't change. Don't put shoes on. Don't grab your phone. Go find him and don't come back until you do." He instructs his voice raising with each command.

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