Normal Day, Unfamiliar Boys

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"Uhhhhhhggggggg" my muffled attempts at silencing my alarms heard throughout my room.

Last night was a late one so I knew getting up would be difficult.


It's 5am and all I want is to stay in bed. But I can't because my mom checks to make sure we're not in our rooms.

Why 5am? Because it's the only time I truly get to myself.

School doesn't start until 8, but I leave way earlier than I have to so I can go to the gym. Which I will not be doing today seeing as my condition is less than optimal. Instead I'm going to stop by the library.

Screaming into my pillow I finally decide to get up. The majority of my morning is spent in the dark. So I move around getting my bed made, my school bag packed, my desk cleaned up, any clothes on my floor picked up, all with my eyes basically closed.

Stepping into my bathroom I turn up the brightness on my night light and start the water in my shower.

I still smell like detergent but I don't want to change my bandages so washing my hair and a rag bath will have to do for now.

"Seriously what the fuck" I exclaim to myself, staring off into space as the water heats up.

*Time Skip: library*

On the way to the library I pass by my gym just to see who's there.

The usual; my favorite desk employee, favorite manager, and the regulars are there. But there's a different car outside today. Never seen it before.

"Hmm, I wonder who that could be," I think out loud, continuing on to the library.

Us morning gym folk are pretty close nit. It took a few weeks of consecutively coming for people to warm up to me. Once they did the environment became a safe space.

I've been going to that gym every week day at 5:30 for about two years now. So it's safe to say I'm pretty comfortable there.

They don't know about my family's line of work though, just that I prefer being about anywhere except home.

They've taught me a lot of different self defense skills and we even had a seasoned karate instructor come through one time.

I learn a lot when I'm there, and arguably I learn more useful skills. At least when you have a big name like I do.

Not a big name to regular people, but to anyone who even dips their toes into the criminal world my last name is enough to make them leave.

Others enough to cause animosity between them and me. Which is always confusing because I don't really do anything involving the business.

The library comes into view and I speed up to get inside as the morning wind has started.

"Good morning Y/N! Nice to see you today, how are you?" Miss Penny greets with a radiant smile.

"Good morning! I'm doing okay, how are you?" I respond, taking off my bag and opening it.

"I'm doing great! Might have a crush and said crush might like me back.." Miss Penny says, cheeks turning pinkish as she smiles at her confession.

I place the book I'm returning on the desk and pause, "what??? Really?? Oh my god you have to tell me everything!"

Rounding the desk and stealing the rolling chair from the station next to her I sit, put my bag down, and give her my full attention.

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