Expelling Rage

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I somehow convinced my parents to let me leave this morning. Training starts today but I wanted to get some frustration out first.

Normally I don't go to the gym on weekends because my parents never let me leave the house unless it's with them. But at 6:30 AM I boot scoot n' boogied my ass over there.

Which is where I am now. Walking into the building with an aura so thick and heavy the people passing by moved further away from me.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Ron the front desk man asks.

"I need to blow off some serious steam. Is Cal here today? I also need to review my self defense skills." I reply monotone and without a change in facial expression.

"Uhm, yeah he's here. Are you okay?" He questions his words laced with worry.

"I'm fine, thank you Ron" I say as I walk towards Cal's usual spot.

Today there is a new guy in the gym.


Is that Changbin?

Ah great.

Cal catches sight of me walking towards him, "hey Y/N! Do you need me today?"

"Yes actually, I need to get some anger out and recap on my self defense, possibly learn a new skill. Only if you have time of course" I respond, still no emotion.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Let me set up the punching bag for you. I'm not against you using this as an outlet but you have to warm up and stretch first okay?" He says looking my way pointedly.

"Mhm" I utter, starting to stretch as he walks away.

Any other person in the gym right now is completely invisible to me. All that's on my mind is anger. Pure rage. I've come to the gym angry before but never like this. I wonder what will come of it during training?

"Okay! Punch this as much as you want but try to keep the movements cohesive as if you were fighting a person" Cal instructs positioning himself behind the bag to hold it in place for me.

I nod as I get into my stance wasting no time laying it on thick. I'm strong and precise already but today is a different level.

Being so focused on the task at hand I don't noticed the regulars staring at me in awe.

I've sparred with each of them plenty of times and although I've never won more than once or twice I still had immense skill.

Those days I wasn't filled with wrath quite like this.

"Okay okay okay, that's enough young padiwon" Cal says bringing me to a halt.

My anger has calmed ever so slightly so in response to his sentence I punch the bag one more time staring at him.

He smiles seeing that this is helping and motions me over to the big mat.

"Okay, lets start with the basics. Dodging, striking, predicting, all that jazz you know what it is" He says while he gets into position.

I nod, also getting into position.

I wait for him to make the first move.

That was one of the first things I was taught. Never make the first move because you don't want to give away your strengths first in the face of danger. Evade as long as possible and study the strength of your opponent before acting.

We circle an imaginary place holder in the middle of the mat. Cal makes a move running towards me that I dodge. He tries to get a punch in. I duck down and hurry away.

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