Eventful Day

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I make my way through the crowded halls to the back entrance. It's so loud I just want to rip my eardrums out.

The end to my suffering comes into view and I fight my way through the crowd like I never have before. It's honestly a workout, no one ever wants to move! If you just keep walking and stay on the correct side of the hall with space in the middle we wouldn't have this issue!

I bust through the wall of bodies and into the empty hallway with the exception of a few cringy high school couples sucking face and doing dances. Ew.

Moving faster I walk out of the school and into the group of boys I was looking for.

Thankful I don't have to evade borderline fucking couples and people so infatuated with social media they literally can't speak real sentences or think for themselves I stop to catch my breath.

"Got caught in the trenches?" An unfamiliar voice asks.

I look up and am met with a boy that has shoulder length hair and really cute freckles.

"Yeah," I reply stopping to breathe.

I'm honestly just so stressed I don't even care about keeping up my facade. Well it's not really a facade but definitely not entirely me.

I'm pretty sure this is one of the boys I escorted to the library?

"Oh you made it Y/N! Let me introduce everyone again" Changbin acknowledges me.

I look up at the group that has spread open a little.

"This is Felix," he points to the freckled long haired one.

"You know Hyunjin and Jisung," the mentioned boys wave at me with smiles.

"And these two are Seungmin and Jeongin," he says pointing to two boys that both look younger and older than us at the same time.

Well I see where all of the good looks went. Save some for the rest of us won't you!

I smile and wave at them and fall into a silence.

Owen notices and stands by my side.

We look at each other and have a silent conversation. He needed to know I was okay and I needed to know he was okay.

"Ookay, let's ignore the twin telepathy and get going I have a game to win!" Felix says starting to walk and lead the group.

Owen and I follow behind our heads on a swivel.

As we keep walking I notice us going in the direction of our neighborhood.

Do they live near us?

I keep following in silence glancing behind me every so often.

We keep nearing my neighborhood, eventually getting dangerously close to my house.

At this realization Owen and I exchange worried glances.

I take out my phone, turn on battery saver, and power it off. Owen does the same just as we pass the entrance to our street.

Taking a curious gaze down our road I notice two black cars outside of our house I've never seen before. They aren't even parked in the gated driveway which is weird.

My view is quickly obstructed as our house is about the fourth one in.

We turn left at the very next corner.

"We're the fourth one in! Super close to the school as you can see" Changbin says, pointing out their house.

I'm glad we turned our phones off.

Streetlight (ChangbinXReaderMafia)Where stories live. Discover now