Where Is She?

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AHHHHHH okay time to get up.

As I move to a sitting position my door opens quickly and quietly. The movement startling me half to death.

I'm awake now damn.

"Y/N" my brother whispers in a shaky voice.

I haven't heard him sound like this since his fear of the dark when we were kids.

"Owen? Are you okay?" I ask, squinting to see his face.

"It's mom. I can't find her anywhere" he says, sounding like he's about to cry.

At this realization my own worries dissipate. My brother needs me and that is more important.

I fully face him as he sits next to me, "what do you mean? Is dad home? Could she have gone to the store or something?"

"Dad is in bed. I called her and she didn't answer. Texted her and there was no response. I snuck back into their room and her gun is still in the knight stand, the bathroom is untouched. No shoes missing from their closet. Her side of the bed shows signs of her being there but she's not here. Y/N she's not here." He spits out at the speed of light.

"Okay okay, did you see anything on their sheets? Discoloration, wet spots? Anything like that anywhere at all?" I ask, remembering the interaction I overheard last night.

"I don't know.." Owen answers quietly as tears fall from his eyes.

I stand up and motion for him to fully sit on my bed, "I'll be back."

Before he could protest I hurry out of my room and across the hall. The door is crack ever so slightly so I open it slowly and steadily.

Crouching on the ground I keep opening the door until I have just enough space to fit.

Once inside I pause to make sure my dad is still asleep. His soft snores a hint that I'm good to carry on.

I kneel next to her side of the bed making a point to be silent. Holding my breath I feel around the sheets, blanket, and pillows.

Wet spot.

Wet spot on the pillow.

I rub my hand on it really well and draw back. Exiting the room the same way I came in but making sure not to touch anything with the hand I used to touch the pillow.

"Flash" I say as I slip back into my room.

Owen obliges and turns the flash on his phone on. I put my hand under the light and am met with a crimson red with hints of brown.


"Damnit," I mutter as the realization that she was hurt more in the night sinks in.

How could I have not noticed?

"Okay, you go back to your room and pretend to be asleep since you're not usually up at this time. I'm going to do some investigating" I instruct him, grabbing a baby wipe from my desk and wiping off my hand.

"..okay" he responds, fear set deep in his bones.

"I leave pretty early so to not raise suspicion I'm going to leave the house when I usually do. I need you to do the same but fit in time to check the basement. Check everywhere in the basement. I would but I'm not allowed down there and I know dad has hidden cameras," I say, getting dressed blindly as its dark.

He nods and exits my room quietly.

I rush around getting ready for school. Instead of wearing my good sneakers I'm wearing the converse I've had since freshman year. They're broken in and seasoned on the bottom so they're silent. Granted I can make any shoe silent but I need extra protection right now.

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