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"Now we have everyone here we have something that we would love to tell you guys !" 

"Lucy would you like too or should i?"

" i dont mind babe"

"okay , wait which part are we telling them first"

Angela - " would one of you please tell us what is going on , i am so confused"

" me too" added Wesley

"yeah us too" everyone added at the same time

"okay so obviously we are going to register the babies names tomorrow but we are going to have to also register another name change"

angela - "what way"

nyla - " i am a detective and i am very very confused"

( Tim looks at Lucy and she nods her head for approval)

" well me and Tim actually got married a few weeks ago , we did not want a huge wedding yet and we wanted to get married before the twins were born , not that we needed too obviously but we wanted too"



Nyla- "how did i not figure this out??????"
Grey - "congrats you too!"

Luna - "congrats guys"

Celina - " i knew your aura had changed i just was not sure why!"

Aaron - "congrats tim and kucy"
James - "yeah congrats"

Tim and Lucy both thanked everyone as they admired both of their new little babies

(everyone has been here for around 30 minutes at this pint)

Ang - "wait you asked Lucy which thing you should tell us first , what is the other thing" ( even though Angela already knows this secret) 
"well ...." Lucy said while pressing the call button to call the nurses

" we kept another secret from you" - Tim added

" yeah turns out when we had our second scan , it wasn't just twins .."

"it was triplets"
Nyla - " NO WAY"

Everyone - "WAIT WHAT"

"yeah this is our little tiebreaker" added Lucy and Tim

" meet Harper Bailey Bradford " 

( at that moment the nurse walked in holding another baby) 

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