8. Hershals farm

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<<<MAX POV>>>

  We're on our way to the farm, Remi, Faith and I all in the back a bag of clothes infront of Faith and another bag of Lilian and Melissa's clothes and diaper bag infront of me. I have Melissa in my arms and Lilian is on Faith's lap. We pull into the farm and Glenn stops the car both him and T-dog getting out. I open my door handing Remi Melissa, then I get out and take her back. Remi, Faith and Lilian all get out and Remi grabs the diaper bag. I close the door and walk beside Glenn, Faith next to her dad and Lilian next to Remi and I.

  We get up to the porch and stop. "So do we ring the bell? I mean it looks like people live here." Glenn turns to T-dog. T-dog walks up the steps "were past this kind of stuff aren't we? Havung to be considerate" we all walk up the steps and I notice a lady sotting on a chair. "Did you close the gate when you drive in?" I nod "Uh, hi" Glenn looks at the lady awkwardly "yes ma'am, we did" I answer and she nods. "We have painkillers. I already gave him some, if Carl needs any." Glenn hands her the bottle and she takes it. "Come inside I'll make yall something to eat." I look back to Remi and Faith, T-dog and Glenn start walking in so we follow them in.

   I walk in and walk to Carl's room, he's laying on the bed asleep I think. "Is he okay?" Rick and Lori look up aswell as two other girls. "He will be" I nod and a girl a few years older than me walks past. "I'm willow, thats Patricia, Maggie and Hershal. And my sister Asa" The girl introduces them, I nod and look to Remi and Faith. Rick and Lori walk outside and start fighting, not loudly but I can still hear it. I walk over to the chairs Lori and Rick were in and sit in Rick's, Faith sitting in Lori's. "Your friend will be okay." The girl, Willow says standing beside Remi. "I know. I'm Max, that's Remi and Faith." I point to each of them then Melissa and Lilian "The baby is Melissa, and the kid is Lily" she nods and walks away with Maggie.

  I was talking with Faith and Remi when I heard Carl start coughing, I stand up imeadietly. "Carl?" He looks up at me "where are we?" I look to Lori and Rick getting up and walking over "Hershals farm, in his house." He nods and coughs more "it hurts a lot" I look down at the gunshot wound and back up, Remi pulls me out of the way and Lori and Rick. "I know it hurts baby I know." Remi and Faith pull me out of the room and we sit down on a couch Maggie handing each of us a plate with a sandwich. "Thank you" Remi, Faith and I say at the same time, Maggie nods and hands a sandwich cut into squares to Lilian.

  All of us start eating besides me, not really feeling like eating. If I do I might throw up. I look over to Lilian who's halfway done with her sandwich. I look down to Melissa and stand up setting my plate down on the table. "Do you have anything I can wash this bottle with?" I ask Maggie and bend down and unzip the diaper bag grabbing a bottle and formula. "Yeah, follow me." I follow Maggie to the kitchen and see a man standing there "that's my brother Casey, don't be alarmed he wouldn't hurt you." I nod walking to the sink, "Um can you hold her for a moment?" I ask Maggie turning to face her Melissa on my arms, she nods and takes Melissa. I go to the sink and set the formula on the counter and turn the hot water on to wash the bottle thoroughly. After I finish washing the bottle I set it down on the counter.

   "Ms? Do you know how to make a bottle? I'm not sure how to, Carol a woman in my group always did." She smiles walking over to me, "can I give her to Casey to hold for a second?" I glance over to him, then Faith walks in. "Can Faith? Nothing against him I just don't know him all that well." She nods and hands Melissa to Faith. "I understand, how old is the baby?" I walk to the counter "roughly four months." She nods and puts a few scoops of formula in the bottle and fills it up to the correct line. "You can call me Maggie, both if you." I look to Faith who's looking at me. "Okay, Maggie. Thank you." She hands me the bottle and Faith hands me Melissa. "Your welcome. If you need anything come talk to me alright?" I nod, I hear small footsteps run over into the kitchen and hug my leg.

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