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Fantasia Monique

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Fantasia Monique .

Taraji was at my house, we were alone on my couch. She had my legs on her thighs massaging my feet. I kept my eyes closed, biting my lip to keep the moan that wanted to be heard. My phone rang, I looked at the id caller before answering it. I hummed. "Hey Tasia, I'm about to drop off Keziah in thirty minutes." I heard Kendall voice. "O-Okay, the door is, ugh, already unlocked." I stuttered. I seen Taraji with a grin on her face. "Umm, are you okay? Is this a bad time." Kendall asked. "I'm okay. And no it's not a bad time." I said quickly. I thought I was good after Taraji stop but I thought wrong. Taraji massage the right spot that been hurting for so long. "Oh fuck! Right there." I moaned out, I accidentally dropped my phone. "Right there hmm?" Taraji asked, still massaging that spot. I was a moaning mess, it was so embarrassing.

"Fuck w-wait." I said panting, she rubbed my feet. I reached to grab my phone to see if Kendall was still on the phone. He wasn't. I hope he didn't heard that.. Taraji moved my feet before standing up. "You sound very pretty when you moan mama. I wonder how would it sound when my name comes out." She said before mumbling the last sentence. I felt my face getting hot, a weird sensation in my stomach. I never felt this way before, except for a woman. I squeezed my legs together, she was getting me hot and horny. We only knew each other for a week and now she's getting me horny and shit.

Kendall drop Keziah off and he was mugging me the whole time. Lord I hope he didn't hear my moan. I seen Keziah talking to Taraji, until Kendall pulled me into a corner. "Was you fucking somebody or her while you was on the phone with me? And if you did, that was disrespectful and disgusting, Fantasia." He said, he had angry in his eyes I looked at him with a confused expression. "I'm disrespectful and disgusting? Wasn't you fucking on bitches and got bitches pregnant before I had my daughter? Didn't I catch you fucking a bitch and a nigga in my fucking bed Kendall. And I'm disgusting for moaning on the phone. First of all, Taraji was massaging my feet because they were sore. She massaged a spot that was in pain for a while and I accidentally moan and drop my phone. So before you call someone disgusting or disrespectful, please think of yourself." I gritted. "Now get the fuck out my house." I said before turning around and walking into the living room. I heard the door slam, that got me tight as fuck but I'm going to let it go for now.

"What's your name, pretty lady?" Keziah said. "Taraji, sweetie, and you must be Keziah." Taraji said smiling. "Yep that's me, I like your name. What's your middle name?" Keziah asked jumping up and down. "Keziah.." I said, giving her a glare. "It's okay Tasia, it's Penda." Taraji answered Keziah question. "I'm going to call you.. hmmm" Keziah said, doing her thinking face. "Pandie!" Keziah said excitedly. "Pandie it is Kezi." Raji said, picking up Keziah, making her snuggle up into her. I love how my youngest daughter already love Taraji.

It's was night time and my kids were sleeping. Taraji and I were sitting by my indoor pool. "Tasia why do you have two pools?" Taraji asked me, giving me a confused look. "Because I wanted to, Raji." I said smirking. The next thing, I was underwater coming up for air. When I came above the water I heard Taraji laughing. "Taraji! What the fuck!" I yelled. I don't like cussing and i ask god to forgive my outburst right now and from earlier but this was moment to cuss. Taraji was still laughing, she got up and bend down to continue laughing. "I-I'm." Taraji said getting cut off by her laugh. I got out the pool, giving her a glare.  "Lord, my s-s-stomach."Taraji said still laughing. "It's not that funny." I said mugging her before taking off my shirt and shorts leaving me in just my bra and matching laced panties. She stared at me before looking away.

After I showered and got new clothes on, me and Taraji sat in my bedroom watching a movie. I was on Taraji's stomach, hearing her stomach growling. I heard soft sores coming from above me, I looked up to see Taraji sleeping with her mouth open. I grab my phone and took a picture. I tried so hard not to laugh but I laughed and woke her up. She jumped out the bed, falling in the process. "What the fuck Fantasia. I can't sleep now?" She said getting up from the floor. "I'm so sorry." I responded giggling. She got back into bed, turning on her side. And immediately falling back asleep. I laid down beside her, closing my eyes. Falling asleep right after her.



Words: 864

Have a great night or day. 🤍🌚

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