Yes. I'm redoing this story...
It's the mid 1930s. The Great Depression era. You're a young woman in her early 20s who lives with her older sister who's apparently involved with a gang of criminals known as the Butcher Gang. You've met them as a chi...
A moment later Charley is in his office, sitting behind his desk and smoking a cigarette. He's got a small radio on his desk and it's playing The Very Thought of You by Bing Crosby. Charley looks at his radio and he turns the volume up a little bit. He leans against his desk, resting his arms on it. He has the cigarette in his mouth.
He hears a knock on the door and he says, "Yeah? Who is it? Better not be one of your pointless games again, Edgar!" He hears this, "Charley! It's me. (Y/N)." He grins and says, "Ah, good. Come in, kid.~" The door opens and there you are. You're in a red dress with white polka dots and a white collar at the top.
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(The dress at the top right.)
Charley looks at you and he smirks. He sits back and he says, "How are ya doing, kid?~" You say, "Alright." He says, "Hey. Come on in. Shut the door behind you." You walk in and you shut the door behind you. He says, "Come on over here. Let me get a better look at ya."
You approach him and you sit upon his desk. Your legs are kind of hanging off, but you're facing him. He grins and he says, "You've really grown into quite a dish.~" You blush and you smile. He says, "Good to have ya back around with us, kid. I've missed you. You know that, right?"
You say, "I've missed you too, Charley. I don't mind living in this warehouse. The landlord was a dick, anyways. Call US floozies. I've seen his wife. Ha ha. Hint..." You lean in and you whisper, "Cheating slut. Cheated on him with some guy named Sammy Lawrence." He smirks and chuckles saying, "I love your spitfire attitude, girlie. I like that in a gal. 'Specially one as gorgeous as you turned out to be."
You think of something and you sit your legs up a bit more on the desk. Charley looks at you. You look at him and you say, "Charley... I think something bit me on the upper leg, a little while ago." He says, "You don't say." You say, "I've tried to find it, but it seems to be more in the back of my leg. Out of my sight."
He says, "Hmm... Where is this bite?" You blush and you look at him. You grip the bottom of your dress and he raises a brow. You sigh and you slowly lift your dress up. You turn to face your back end towards him and his eyes widen. His cigarette falls out of his mouth and onto the floor. Luckily, the floor is concrete, so less of a fire hazard.
Charley can see your legs in full form and some of your underwear, too. There appears to be no sign of a bite or a red mark. Charley says, "O-ooh my. Those legs.~" You look at him and you smirk. You say, "Tricked ya.~" He smirks and says, "Hey... I'm not complaining here, kid. You're perfect.~"
You giggle and you turn to face him, standing on your knees. Hands still lifting your bottom dress and showing off most of your legs. You whisper, "Want me to show you more, Charley? I will. Just for you.~" He smirks and he leans in, resting his elbows on the desk.
You lift your bottom dress and his eyes widen as he sees your underwear and how well it fits around you. He whispers, "Oooh god.~" You say, "I've waited for the day that I'd see you again, Charley. I really admire you. I always have since day one.~"
You reach your hands back and you unzip your dress. Charley awaits for what comes next. You look at him and you say, "Here's more for you to see, Charley.~" You pull the top of your dress down and it's all down to your knees.
His eyes widen as he sees you in your pink silky underwear. He's about to lose it. He sighs shakily and he says, "My god, kid. What are you doin' to me?~" You giggle and you say, "What do you think I'm doing, huh boss? Ain't my fault YOU'VE let out the inner whore in me. If anyone's gonna think I'm a floozy, it's only for YOU, Charley Piper.~"
He whispers, "God, you're the hottest little thing in the world.~" You look at him and you sigh and lick your lips. He says, "Come over here, doll face. Come for your boss.~" You whisper, "Oh, I will, alright.~" He smirks and chuckles saying, "Anything for me, huh?~" You say, "Only you.~"
Before anything else can happen, you both hear Edgar yelling, "Ey, boss! We need ya out here!" You gasp and you move back. You grab your dress and you pull it back up and onto yourself. You reach behind you to rezip the back of your dress. You fix the hem of your dress and you scoot off the desk. You sigh and you say, "Okay."
Edgar yells, "Ey, boss!" Charley yells, "Yeah yeah! I'm coming! Hold your damn horses, Edgar! I'll be out in a sec!" Edgar says, "A-alright, boss!" You look at Charley and you smile. He grins and he says, "Thanks for the show, kid. Who knew you'd grow to be such a goddamn tease, huh?~"
You say, "Like I said, Charley... Only for you.~" You blow a kiss. He chuckles and you smile. He says, "Come on, girlie. Before Edgar out there loses his patience." You giggle and you say, "Yeah, alright." You follow Charley out of the office.
You see the others. Rebecca, Barley and Edgar. Edgar says, "There you are, boss. We... What was (Y/N) doin' in there with ya?" Charley says, "Just a little conversation with her is all." Barley says, "She was in there with ya for a bit, Charley boy." Rebecca says, "I'll say."
Edgar's eyes widen and he says, "H-hold on. W-was you two... doin' what I think you was doin'?! Holy shit!" Charley blushes and says, "Sh-shut it, Edgar. It wasn't like that." You say, "He's not lying. Nothing happened." Rebecca walks to you and she touches your shoulders. The guys talk and she quietly asks you, "What exactly did happen?"
You quietly say, "All I did was do a little... strip tease on his desk." Her eyes widen and she says, "Really, now." You blush and you smile. You say, "He didn't mind.~" She says, "See? What did I tell you? You're winning him over. You're the temptress of criminals, (Y/N)." You say, "Just him. Nobody else."
She says, "I think we should inform the guys that we're getting out. We need to guy groceries with the money we have. Get some stuff so you can cook. You were always the better cook. And some bottles of Coca-Cola while we're at it."
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(Example of a Coca-Cola ad from the mid 1930s.)
You say, "Alright." Rebecca informs the guys that you're both going out to get groceries to come back with to make supper. You both leave while the guys continue talking and going with a plan for their next heist.