Chapter 11
Valentino POV
The girl carefully presses herself into the bathroom corner, her nude body trembling. The water from the shower reached her toes.
"What is wrong?"
Her watery eyes met my wrist before settling on her toes. I rolled my sleeves down to hide my tattoos. Though I'm under no need to explain anything to her, I feel compelled to after seeing her terrifying form. Although I am aware that I am not the ideal person for her, I felt confident in my ability to treat her better than Martinez.
"Have they done anything to you?" My query was about the branding tattoo she observed. She nodded slowly.
"I won't talk...I swear I won't tell anyone you killed him; all I want is to go home."I grinned faintly. I hurt many people on my life, but Lucia, which is nothing but a strange girl, I saw, and met in just a couple of hours, I couldn't hurt her. I couldn't look at her bare body without feeling compelled to murder Martinez repeatedly.
"Please give me a chance. I understand you don't trust me, especially after seeing the tattoo, but you don't have to now. But let me show you that you can trust me. I am prepared to spend the next several days demonstrating this to you."
She asked a lot of questions. She was inquisitive about everything. I imagined her new surroundings had sparked her interest.I can see it light up right now as she looks at her toes. I grinned when I noticed her wriggling them.
"After everything you've gone through, you deserve just the truth. "I'll leave you to shower."
"Could you stay?" She asked. She was already gazing at me. I watched as she gently moved from her corner. I have my gaze fixed on her face rather than her body.
"I want you to have maximum privacy. When you come out, there will be food on the table, and we can continue our conversation."
"Do you work for the cartels?"
"We'll talk. For now, get clean."
Lucia takes a large mouthful from the third ham and cheese sandwich. It was the fastest I could build. Furthermore, because I was lackadaisical about grocery shopping, half of the stuff in my fridge was either rotten or on the point of going bad.
I glanced at the girl, who I wouldn't mind having in my space for the rest of my life. I knew she had gone through a lot. It's written all on her physique. But she still has that innocence, and I'd like to protect what's left of it.
She gazed out into the distant as she sipped her milk through the Candy Cane straw.
"I was thinking..."
I realized she had difficulty speaking. With the position that I saw her in.
She didn't say much.
"Talk to me." I grinned. It's been a long time since I've smiled sincerely. I understand it was early. However, I was looking forward to having her stay with me for a few months so I could come home and just see her eat and converse. "You're free to speak."
"I was thinking that I could sleep on the floor. I've done it previously with Martinez..."
"You will not be sleeping on the floor." I snarled, smashing my fist into the table. She startled, the sandwich slowly slipping from her grasp. I exhaled. "I'm sorry. I'm not Martinez. He's dead. And I will not use you for sex or maid labor, and you will not be sleeping on the floor.""On the couch?" She looked back to the sofa. "It looks comfortable."
"No, I will sleep on the couch. You are a visitor, therefore you get the bed."
"But soon, I'll stop being a visitor and sleep on the sofa."
I shake my head.
"But won't you feel uncomfortable?" She inquired, expressing worry.
I shake my head. "I occasionally work late into the night. I rarely use my bedroom, therefore it is now yours. This is your area, and I wouldn't like you to be uncomfortable.
She gazed at me. I could see she didn't believe any of what I said. If I were in her shoes, I would not.It was only hours ago that someone was hitting her; it would take months, if not a year, for her to completely trust me.
She cautiously raised the sandwich towards me. I shake my head. "I am not hungry?"
"You seem hungry."
I laughed, but it immediately subsided, which surprised her. I seldom laugh, so it terrified me when she made me laugh. I want to learn so much about her. She questioned why I saved her, and I couldn't even answer that question for myself.

The Tax Collector (GirlxIntersex) Book 1
RomanceValentino Rodriquez Is an underworld tax collector, collecting tax from America to over the Mexican border, where she encountered, an reserved and shy Lucia. Lucia was stuck in her morbid situation, having to be with different men to survive, that...