Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Lucia POV

How I fell asleep is a mystery to me. But when I awoke, I saw soft pillows, a spotless bed, and a clean sheet practically sliding off the bed. When I noticed a stunning morning scene. When I saw the stunning bedroom. I understood I was not dreaming. I did depart Mexico with only the clothing on my back.

"I can baby-sit her, Puta!" A Spanish girl spoke loudly. Valentino shushed her. I could hear their feet approaching, I dashed off the bed and threw the pillow upon it.

Just as I was going to pick up the sheet, the door opened, displaying Valentino and the dark brown Mexican girl. She had longer black hair, brown eyes, and a gorgeous grin that I assumed was for me.

My cheeks twitched, attempting to grin back. I hardly have any interpersonal skills. I wasn't sure what to even say to her.

"Hola!" She shouted.

"You don't need to yell; she isn't retarded."

"Hola." I responded sheepishly. I gazed at Valentino with wide eyes. I cautiously placed the cover on the bed. She was dressed similarly to the first time we saw one other. I guess she's going to work. Her long legs propel her forward in just seconds.

I gasped and backed into the bed.

"Sorry." She grumbled and backed up slightly to give me space. I tried smiling again, but it just didn't come.

"This is my —"

"Move." The girl remarked, moving Valentino to one side. "My name is Garcia, and you are Lucia. I know. I am Valentino, your first cousin, and I'm here to babysit you today."

"Not babysit." Valentino grumbled. "You'll just keep her company until she gets acclimated to being by herself."

Garcia looked across at Valentino, rolled her eyes, and grinned. "I'm kind of babysitting her. Since you laid out at least a million ground rules."

"Just don't overload her." They fought back and forth.

Garcia turned to face me once again. "She likes you." She mouthed. My brow wrinkled, and I looked at Valentino. Does she like me? I doubt it. Her intention was only to put up a nice front and get me comfortable in.

"Come," Valentino pointed towards me as she moved out of the room and into the kitchen. She pulled out my chair, and I was greeted with a platter of food. I looked up to her. She grinned. "Eat."

I took another look at the meal. It appears quite appetizing. But while I was with Martinez, I didn't just wake up and eat. Heck, I've never had breakfast served to me.

My eyes caught a sight of the filthy kitchen, and I move my chair back, only for her to grab hold of it.

I looked at her wrist; it was slightly bruised, and I figured it was from roughing up with the dude from last night.

"I want to tidy the kitchen before eating."

"Garcia will clean the kitchen because she caused the mess." She stated as she sent a glare to Garcia, who grinned shyly.

"I can be a little messy. But I clean."

"I want you to eat." She smiled at me. Valentino smiles a lot when she looks at me, which makes me uneasy; there was something about her grin.

I couldn't figure it out, but perhaps it's because I don't trust her.

"As for you." She turned her gaze back to her cousin. She had a mischievous smirk on her round face.

"Don't bring over friends; she isn't ready to have people around her. No shopping—" Her phone rang, cutting her short. She glared at it, then turned it off. "As I said, no shopping, no exposing her to the public view. And be very careful what you say or do to her. She's quite sensitive; she's gone through a lot." She glanced back at me, and I looked down at my breakfast plate.

"I got it, Val. There's no need to worry; just get moving. I know your boyfriend is waiting for you; he's probably hitting the air right now."

"He's not my boyfriend." She huffs. She focused her attention back on me. When her fingers lightly touched my shoulder, I jerked a little, tensing up my shoulder. She swiftly removed her hand. "I'm sorry. I'll be back late. She returned her gaze to Garcia's face. "Make sure you feed her."

"Yes, yeah."

"You can do anything you want. Watch TV—" Her phone rang again, and she exhaled. "Please don't go outdoors. I'll try to be back soon."

I nodded. She looked at me for a long moment before turning away from the table.

Garcia followed her out the exit. They spoke for a minute before I heard the door close. I stood up, headed into the kitchen, and began cleaning. 

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