Chapter 22

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Chapter 22
Lucia POV

It was nice to witness a change of landscape. I wasn't seeing the walls, sand, wrecked buildings, or man's twisted faces. I was admiring the gorgeous coconut palms and structures while feeling a light breath of air caress my skin.

I heard Valentino quietly arguing on the phone not far behind me. I couldn't put words together because the powerful wind swept across each sentence. I refrained from glancing back. Instead, I focus my gaze on the sidewalk and count the cracks.

Times change so swiftly. Last Sunday, I got the beating of my life for cooking with too little salt, and this week, I was wandering about. I should feel joyful. I couldn't be.
My heart told me that things were changing now.

Valentino was right alongside me. I could sense her shadow, not her presence, with the direction of the faint blazing sun.

"I was just on call with my mother." I could feel her gaze on the side of my face.

I nodded.

She exhaled. Her sigh indicated that something worried her, and my heart reached out to inquire, but my voice couldn't form the query. She could believe I don't care. I care about everyone, even if they harm me, but I'm not sure how to reach out.

"A little family gathering is coming up this week. Coming on Sunday, to be exact."

I nodded. She seemed to have a lot more to say, and I knew there was a point at which I would have to go this family together.

"I'll have Garcia measure you tomorrow so she can purchase you some clothing for special occasions."



"Yes." We walked slowly. I was still counting the cracks, which were few in number.

"You don't have to, but you kinda have to go to the stupid family get together. I know you're not used to being around me, let alone hundreds of people."

I knew it...

"Oh," I muttered.

You don't need to worry about anything since I'll have you at my side. I promise."

I glanced at her, and I could see she was truly concerned about me. I couldn't help but smile at the back of my head. I carefully stretched out and took her hand. This seemed to have shocked her, as it did me. We both glanced at our intertwined hands. I like her. However, I did not trust her. But I enjoy how she's been treating me so far.

With deliberate slowness, my gaze lifted towards her lips. "Do you want to kiss?" I found it strange that I could ask her such honest questions yet not ask her if she was okay. I believe I was wired to gratify people sexually rather than emotionally.

She stretched out and grabbed my next hand. We came to a standstill in the center of the walkway. Her eyes shone into me. I attempted to spread a grin across my lips, but it was impossible.

"I'm simply glad to have you beside me. I don't want anything sexual or to make you uncomfortable. I don't want you to feel obligated to soothe me by means of sex or closeness."

I kind of want to console her with sex and intimacy. That was practically all I knew.

"Are you certain?"

I lost contact with one of her hands, only for it to come into contact with my face. I tried not to stiffen up or react.
She was the first person to ever touch and hold me without causing me any harm. "I couldn't be more convinced than I am." She grinned. Her smile was as pure as day.

"I want to go. I want to meet the people you love."

She was astonished when I mentioned this. My gaze continued to rove over her lips. "Are you certain?"

I nodded. 

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