Chapter 29

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Chapter 29
Lucia POV

I spent my days now waiting for Valentino to return home. I adore seeing her enter through that door, her hair unkempt, her suit still intact, and a smile on her face as she sees me. Her grin gives me a sense of uniqueness. It does something beneficial to my body.

However, occasionally, my mind has a strange way of operating, and I have to force myself to stop feeling even the tiniest bit positive about her. Today, she entered with a small bag in hand. My eyes glittered as I realized it was something she had promised me.

This time, as Garcia was leaving, she gave me a little embrace before swiftly pulling away shyly and walking out without receiving any money from Valentino. Was there something wrong with her?

Valentino stepped up to me. I was ecstatic with Garcia's bizarre behavior. "Is anything wrong with her?

Valentino sighed, preparing to explain. "She's just sad about the entire Lola thing; she believes it's her responsibility, which it really is."

"It is not."

"It is." She deadpanned. "But let's not dwell on that...I've got you this." She handed me the little bag that appeared to contain a little rectangular box. I could see the obvious outline.
"What is this?" I tried not to hug her. I've never received presents. "It isn't my birthday? Or Christmas."

"That isn't the only time you receive gifts, Lucia."

"Will I be receiving a present tomorrow?"

She grinned and said, "I don't think so. Open it." She said. I opened the bag from the top, looked down, and there it was: a rectangular box. I move the white box out. "You've got me a box?" I stupidly inquired when I couldn't find an outlet to open the package. She shook her head, took the package, opened it, and returned it to me.

Staring back at me from the phone's screen was my reflection. "Cool, a phone." I whispered. I had always seen Martin with one, but he didn't trust me with it. I am not sure why she would trust me with a phone. "Thanks," I said, smiling. I pick up the phone and touch the screen.

My brow wrinkled when it did not light up. "Val..." I looked up and noticed she was already gazing at me. I shivered. Why was she looking at me like that? "It isn't working?"

"It's working?"

I amazed at how she swept me off the floor; I expected to feel the smoothness of the sofa beneath my buttocks, but instead I was on her lap. She took the phone entirely out of the box.
"I suppose you don't know how to use a phone?"

I shake my head. Her larger finger swallowed over a button, which appeared to turn the phone on. "I'll give you a week to grasp the basics. You can always mess around with it." Her lips were quite close to my ears. I attempted to regulate my breathing, but with her so near, it took a long time.

She swipes the screen to unlock the phone. "As you can see, its mot buttons are just on the exterior for on/off, which is one button, and the volume button." She replied as she took my fingers and moved them up and down the side of the phone.
I could feel the buttons.

She flipped the phone over. "There's nothing technological about using a phone..." I had closed her out and began to focus on the fact that I was so close to her. On her lap. It might have been lot more pleasant, but I guess she didn't rest me very well.

I placed my hand on her shoulder and attempted to wiggle around. I felt her breath catch in my ears. "As you can see, here is where you place calls..." I blocked her out again as I attempted to grind on her lap.

I successfully bit my lip as I felt her cock solidify beneath me.
My fingers moved to her belt as I carefully glided up and down her covered crotch.

"Fuck..." She breathed. "You can do..."

I decided to grind harder, carefully moving my head in order to make eye contact with her. I have no idea how I became so brazen.

I felt one of her hands and moved to my waist. And if I was crazy, I would claim she was making me work harder on her, but she wasn't. She was upset. Her eyes deepen, emitting a furious fume. And that alone caused me to come to a slow, gradual stop.

"I won't fuck you, Lucia."

I fluff my cheeks. "I make you hard."
"It's a muscle; if you work on it, it will clearly be hard." Her gaze shifted to my lips, but I doubted she was going to kiss me; she was more likely to hit me.

"I simply want to feel it as Deja did."

Her breath turned to ice. "Deja?" She questioned. What about her?

"Well, you and her have sex all the time; why can't we?"

"Because..." She exhaled. I felt her take me off my lap. "I need to shower. A cold one. An extremely cold one." She snarled and tossed the phone near me. "Figure things out on your own."

I grumbled and picked up the device, my foolish reflection glaring back at me. 

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