Chapter 30

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Chapter 30
Lucia POV

Garcia had given me ten or more shopping bags full of clothes, so I'll assume that Val gave those to me as a present, despite the fact that she was obviously upset with me. I'm trying to figure out what to do so that she likes me and doesn't kick me out. I want to keep her tied, like Lola mentioned.

I probably shouldn't have allowed Lola's remarks get the best of me. She was a stranger in my life, comparable to Valentino.

"These are your options for outfits, as you are aware that the gathering is on Sunday. I'll come on Sunday and do your makeup and hair."

"I don't need makeup or my hair to be done?"
"Well, the first time meeting the family, you kind of need it. I am not suggesting you are unattractive."

I take a step into the mirror. The bruises were gradually diminishing, but they were leaving the unpleasant reality of the scars behind. "I am unattractive." I'll give that the reason, she didn't want to have sex with me. I do not blame her. She's in a country full with beautiful girls.

Men undoubtedly had sex with me because they couldn't find someone better. Valentino has access to a lot more attractive women. All this concluded that I was gonna get kicked out, and wandered the streets.

"You aren't ugly." She stood behind me and stroked her fingers through my hair. "You have beautiful eyes, long, wonderful hair, and a lovely physique..."

"Are you forgetting that I have bruises and scars, and I'm not as lovely as she wants me to be?"

"She?" She lifted her eyebrow. I nodded.

"Valentino. You recall what Lola said: she has to marry me. How is she going to marry an unattractive girl like me?"

"Do you want to marry Valentino?" She asked. I attempted to grin while nodding. "Do you want to marry her because you like her, or because you want your green card?"

Garcia went over the several bags of clothing on the bed. Do I like Valentin? Of course I do. Do I trust her? No.

She selects a coral blue sundress from one of the bags. She came back over.

"I like her." I flushed.

"You do? That is adorable." She sneered.

"Shouldn't I like her?"

"You don't fully understand your feelings?" She positioned the dress in front of my body and then turned me to the side. "It works great with your eyes."

"How come I don't understand my feelings?" I asked, referring to what she had stated. I know how I feel. I know I want to be on her good side. I know I like her. I realize I'm probably not her type, which is why she's turned me down so many times. I know Lola was correct.
"Maybe you feel compelled to go with the flow because that is how Martinez breaks you. You have to go with whatever anyone says. You don't think for yourself."

Her comments broke me to my core. She couldn't have articulated it better. She was correct. But I know I liked her. I know I want to have sex with her.

Garcia returned to the bed. She started going through the bags. And I saw she removed some jewelry. Glancing back, I saw the blue dress that I still clutch close to my breast.

"You have no reason to rush anything." She stated this as she placed the necklace around my neck.
"It goes so beautifully against your skin," she said with a smile. "You are gorgeous."

I disregarded her compliments. "What do you mean? I don't need to rush." Before I realize it, a girl might whisk her away from me. Not that she was mine in the first place, but I'd like to imagine she is.

"You're here with her. She chose you. She essentially murdered for you. Pff, I hope I could find a boy who would kill for me."

My eyebrows furrowed. I could envision myself wearing this outfit on Sunday. "I wanna know..."


"How do you get someone to be eager to have sex with you?"

Her eyes widened when she cleared her throat. "Uhm..." She removes the jewelry along with the clothing.
"You know, you seduced them. But normally, women don't have to charm men since they are naturally easy."

"Valentino is not a guy."

"No, she's not."

"Is seduction, referring to grinding against her?" I inquired, recalling grinding on her yesterday. She didn't like it at all, and as a result, she closed off from me for the entire night. She didn't even say goodbye.

"It is viewed as such, yet seduction is not a hands-on, tactile experience. It's more about movement, with your eyes and mouth doing the talking. You can even toss in a few words, but in a low tone."

"Can you teach me?"

"M-me?" She stuttered and shook her head.
"When it comes to you and teaching you some things, Val might be a little touchy."

I rolled my eyes. "I will not inform her. I swear."

"Listen, I don't think you need to seduce someone who likes you."

"If she likes me, why is she not touching me?"

"Because liking someone doesn't just come with that." She remarked, guiding us to the bed. She let me sit down while she took the clothing out of her luggage. "It calls for conversation and getting to know them." She walked over to the closet and picked out a couple hangers for the dresses.
"I used to believe that my boyfriend loved me because we were having sex." However, it soon becomes clear that it is all about sex. You do not want to build a relationship based just on sex."

Martinez was my only relation and it sucks. So, give or take, I understood nothing about relationships. I knew little about the world. I was probably screwed. Because just being around Garcia and Lola, teaches me how this country was so far.

"Then what do I build it on?"


My pulse thumps; did she know I didn't trust Valentino? She probably saw right through me. She could most likely read my thinking and body language.

"Trust? It's a hard thing." I don't trust anyone.

"It is. And she should try to build it brick by brick with her." 

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