Chapter 2

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Hearing the low growl, Taehyung carefully goes to his room. When he sees the struggling wolf trying to sit up, Taehyung slowly approaches him. "You're okay. You are safe now." Taehyung softly speaks to the lycan. "I won't hurt you. I promise."

Seeing the human approaching him, the wolf growls and snaps his jaws, but Taehyung is undeterred. He softly smiles as he gets onto his knees beside his bed and gently reaches his hand out with the back of his hand facing the wolf. 

The wolf quickly snaps his jaws at Taehyung, biting his hand. Taehyung winces but is surprised that the wolf did not bite him harder. The wolf barely draws blood. "I'm not going to hurt you," he softly whispers and waits for the wolf to release him.

When the human does not retaliate or shout at him, the wolf releases his hand and cowers back in fear, but Taehyung only smiles and continues to hold out his injured hand for the wolf to sniff. The wolf continues to growl as he timidly sniffs Taehyung's hand. As the wolf sniffs his hand, Taehyung smiles. He knows not to move and lets the wolf get acquainted with his scent.

After smelling Taehyung, the wolf looks around the room he is in. Knowing that the wolf is done sniffing him, Taehyung slowly pulls his hand back, earning a warning growl from the wolf.

"Are you hungry?" Taehyung quietly asks as he watches the injured wolf.

When the lycan does not respond, Taehyung slowly scoots back before slowly standing up. He knows not to make any sudden movements. "I will be right back after making something for you to eat." He smiles and then walks out of the room.

Taehyung goes to his refrigerator and pulls out the chicken he bought the day before. He quickly plops the chicken and a cup of rice in a pot of water and boils it. Because the wolf is malnourished, he knows that the wolf should not have anything with the chicken and rice.

While the food cooks, Taehyung prepares the antibiotics the wolf needs and new bandages to take care of the wolf's injuries. The vet had also given him sedatives, but he wanted the lycan to trust him, so he did not prepare the sedatives.

As Taehyung moves around his apartment, he hears the wolf growl every once in a while. He knows that the lycan has been terribly abused and is acting out in fear.

Once the rice and chicken are ready, Taehyung fills a bowl with the food and then goes into his room. When he sees the wolf's green eyes warily looking at him, Taehyung softly smiles and slowly approaches him. "Your food is ready." He softly tells the growling lycan.

When he reaches the bed, Taehyung kneels on the floor and sets the tray on the bed. He stays still as the wolf eyes the food with suspicion. "I know you are hungry. Please eat." 

After sniffing the food, the wolf timidly sticks his snout into the bowl and eats without taking his eyes off Taehyung. The human just sits and watches the wolf with a smile. The wolf eats slowly as he continues to stare at Taehyung.

Once the wolf licks the bowl clean, Taehyung carefully takes it from the wolf and sets it on the floor. After setting the bowl down, Taehyung grabs the medical supplies as the wolf watches his every movement. "I am going to change your bandages. Oh, I did put your antibiotics in the food. You need them." Taehyung explains as he gets up onto his knees and faces the growling wolf. "You better be nice to me. I am taking care of your injuries." He scolds the growling wolf.

As Taehyung reaches for the wound on the lycan's neck, the wolf bares his teeth and growls; however, all the wolf does is growl. So, Taehyung gently takes the bandage off. When he sees the deep wound, Taehyung grimaces and takes a deep breath. He is gentle as he cleans the wound. After cleaning the wound on the wolf's neck, Taehyung carefully bandages the wound and moves to the wound on the wolf's face.

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