Chapter 10

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"I know you are scared, but I will not hurt you." Taehyung softly tells the terrified man. "Your wounds have healed enough for me to bathe you."

Jungkook's green eyes are big as he looks at Taehyung. He believes his human, but he is still beyond terrified. He shivers with fear as he looks at the steaming water, his eyes filled with fear and pain.

Seeing the pain in Jungkook's eyes, Taehyung holds back his tears and smiles. "I will take a bath with you." He suggests as he pulls his shirt off.

Jungkook's eyes grow wide with surprise as he looks at his shirtless human. He knows his human does everything he can to make him feel comfortable, but Jungkook's trauma and pain are overwhelming.

Taehyung blushes as he undresses in front of Jungkook. He knows that he accepted Jungkook's courtship, but their situation is different from what he had imagined his next relationship to be like.

As Taehyung undresses, Jungkook's fear starts dissipating. His piercing gaze roams over Taehyung's honey-golden skin and soft curves. He does not know what he was expecting Taehyung's body to look like, but the soft and tan body in front of him is not what he had imagined.

Jungkook clenches his fists as he fights the urge to reach out and touch Taehyung. He desperately wants to feel Taehyung's soft skin and body, but he knows that he cannot touch without Taehyung's permission, and he is too terrified to ask for permission.

"See? The water is nice and warm." Taehyung's voice pulls Jungkook out of his thoughts. At this moment, he is grateful that Taehyung is human because his human cannot smell his want and his first desire. "Is everything okay?" Taehyung asks when he notices that Jungkook's breathing has turned ragged. 

Concerned that the lycan is having a panic attack, the human quickly gets out of the tub and rushes over to him. When he reaches the lycan, Taehyung pulls him into a hug. "I am sorry. I won't push you. It's okay. Take deep breaths." Taehyung holds Jungkook in his arms, not realizing Jungkook is only struggling more. The lycan keeps his hands hovering over Taehyung to make sure he does not touch his naked human without permission.

"What is wrong? Hm?" Taehyung looks up into Jungkook's eyes with worry. "Will you tell me what is wrong?"

"You." Jungkook barely whispers as he tries to control his ragged breathing.

"Me?" Taehyung's face twists with confusion.

"Your skin. Your warmth." Jungkook clenches his teeth as he takes a step back.

Taehyung's eyes widen at the revelation, and a bright blush creeps up his face as Jungkook's words soak in. When the human shyly looks into Jungkook's eyes, he sees that they are glowing bright green. His breath hitches as Jungkook's intense gaze looks into his soul.

"Th-that's okay. I-I'm your human." Taehyng shyly stutters as he bashfully looks down at the ground.

Jungkook rumbles when he hears Taehyung's shy confession. Everything about Taehyung makes him come to life. His shell seems to disappear into dust with the human's every action. Taehyung brings out his humanity. His entire life, Jungkook was nothing more than a lowly creature destined to be abused, but Taehyung is rewriting his life.

With hesitation, Jungkook reaches out to touch Taehyung's waist. When his warm hand brushes over Taehyung's slender waist, the human's breath shudders. Every day, Jungkook never ceases to surprise him. With every interaction, Jungkook blossoms more and more. I pray that once you fully blossom, you will never wither. I pray that your blossom is eternal because you are beautiful. Taehyung's eyes are filled with infinite care and tenderness as he continues to look into Jungkook's intense gaze. Each time you show yourself to me, feelings seem to burst all around me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19 ⏰

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