Chapter 6

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When Taehyung walks into the new company building on Monday, he is beyond nervous. He is nervously going over everything he taught Jungkook. He is afraid to leave Jungkook home alone. What if someone finds him while I am gone? What if he gets hurt? He has a phone to contact me with if something happens. I taught him how to warm up his food. I don't want him to walk around since his leg is still healing, but I can't require him to stay in bed all day without eating, drinking water, or using the restroom. Plus, he's not ready to meet Yoongi hyung yet; otherwise, I would have Yoongi stay with him all day until his leg heals.

While deep in thought, Taehyung is startled when he hears shouts. When he looks up, he sees two men being surrounded by shouting people.

"Call the extermination number! We are in danger!" The lobby is filled with shrieks as the crowd grows.

"What is going on?" Taehyung rushes over when he hears the shrieks. After pushing his way through the crowd, he sees two lycans with collars. "Stop this madness! They have an owner!" He shouts and places himself between the terrified lycans and the crowd. "They have collars!" He has his hands in the air as a symbol to keep people away.

"Be careful! Do you not see how large that one is?!" One of the people in the crowd shouts. 

"He is not going to hurt anyone! Please, calm down!" Taehyung steps back as the crowd closes in on them. He can hear the terrified whimpers of the two lycans behind him.

"What the fuck is going on here?!" A loud voice rises above the crowd.

"CEO! There are lycans here!" Someone shouts and points at the lycans behind Taehyung.

"Seokjin hyung! Namjoon hyung!" The CEO's eyes widen with surprise when he sees the terrified lycans. "They are mine. I own them. They are not a danger to anyone." The CEO quickly rushes over and protectively stands in front of the lycans. "Go back to work. Now." At the CEO's command, the crowd disperses with whispers.

"S-sorry. W-we-"

"You did nothing wrong. Are you both okay?" The CEO suddenly embraces the two lycans and checks on them. "Did anyone hurt you?" He is desperate as he checks the pair for injuries.

"No. He protected us." The larger one points at Taehyung.

"Thank you. Thank you so much for protecting them." The CEO bows to Taehyung with immense gratitude.

"I'm glad they're okay." Taehyung smiles as he looks at the pair of lycans.

"Let's go to my office." The CEO motions for the lycans and Taehyung to follow him to the elevator. Once they are on the elevator, the CEO hugs the lycans again. Taehyung watches as the CEO calms down after knowing that the two lycans really are not hurt.

When they reach the CEO's office, the CEO has the two lycans sit down. "I am sure I have a lot to explain." The CEO hums as he examines Taehyung.

"You don't have to explain. I know that many wealthy people own lycans." Taehyung hums and glances at the pair. "Except I can tell that you are not like the other wealthy people." He whispers as he thinks about the injuries and scars all over Jungkook's body.

"My parents bought Seokjin hyung when I was a baby. My father was at an auction to buy a necklace for my mother when he saw Seokjin hyung. He bought Seokjin hyung to save him. We were raised together like brothers. I bought Namjoon hyung from someone I grew up with. He was going to be killed after losing a fight." The CEO looks at the two lycans with pain and sorrow.

"You own them to keep them safe." Taehyung smiles with understanding.

"Seokjin hyung is an ocelot lycan, and Namjoon hyung is a lion lycan." The CEO explains as Namjoon holds Seokjin in his arms. "They are mates."

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