Chapter 8

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By the time they are in bed, Jungkook is beyond exhausted. Taehyung smiles as the exhausted lycan wraps his arms around him and pulls him close. Despite the tight hold, Taehyung does not feel trapped. He feels safe and protected. With a soft hum, Taehyung snuggles his face under Jungkook's chin and closes his eyes.

"My mate." Jungkook sleepily murmurs as he drifts off to sleep with his human in his arms.

When Taehyung hears the lycan's quiet murmur, he is surprised that he is not surprised by Jungkook's declaration. When the lycan claimed him in front of Yoongi, Taehyung assumed he was just being possessive. But hearing the lycan claim him in private, Taehyung's breath hitches. 

In the early morning, Taehyung and Jungkok are rudely awakened by Taehyung's alarm sounding. The lycan warily and angrily growls at the alarm as he tightens his grip around Taehyung. The human quickly turns the alarm off before running his fingers through Jungkook's hair to comfort him.

With the human's sweet, comforting touch, the lycan's growl softens into a growling purr. Taehyung softly smiles when he hears the growling purr. "Are you hungry?" Taehyung softly asks the quiet lycan, earning a small nod. "Okay. Let's go to the kitchen." The human sits up and helps the lycan out of the bed.

When they walk out of their room, they see Yoongi in the kitchen with a small calico cat perched on his shoulder. Upon seeing Taehyung and Jungkook, the calico quietly meows and hops down from his perch, scampering to Taehyung and Jungkook. With a small meow, the calico cat rubs his body against Taehyung's and Jungkook's legs.

"Good morning." Yoongi gruffly hums as he pours a glass of milk for his mate and sets it on the counter, causing his mate to meow with happiness and scamper to their room to get dressed. "Did you two sleep well?"

"We did. Thank you, Hyung." Taehyung smiles at his brother and helps Jungkook sit at the counter.

"I am making omelets. What should I put in Jungkook's omelet?" Yoongi mutters as he grabs all of the needed ingredients.

"Do you remember the video of the omelets that we watched?" Taehyung softly asks Jungkook as he gently pets the lycan.

"Yes." Jungkook nods and leans into Taehyung's touch.

"What do you want in your omelet?" Taehyung smiles when he feels Jungkook lean into his touch.

"Eggs," Jungkook mutters and looks at Taehyung with big eyes.

"Anything else?" Taehyung's smile softens as the lycan's big green eyes look at him.

"You choose." Jungkook mumbles and leans his head against Taehyung's chest, surprising the human.

"Okay." Taehyung gently places his hand on the back of Jungkook's head and looks at his brother. "Will you put a little cheese in it?"

"Sure." Yoongi smiles and prepares Jungkook's omelet.

"Milk." Jimin purrs as he walks out of the bedroom, fully dressed and ready for the day. The wolf lycan's green eyes follow the cat lycan as the cat perches on the chair next to the wolf. As the wolf observes the calico, he notices faint scars on the calico that he did not notice before.

"Do you want some milk?" Taehyung asks the wolf lycan when he notices that Jungkook is watching Jimin.

"Milk? No like milk." Jungkook frowns and quickly presses his face back against Taehyung'schest. "Sour. Hurt." He mumbles and places his hand on his stomach.

"That was bad milk. Hyung has very good milk, but you do not have to drink it if you do not want to," Taehyung explains as the wolf lycan pulls him closer.

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