Chapter 9

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Once his brother walks out of the apartment, Yoongi watches as the wolf lycan stares at the door, waiting for Taehyung to return. He knows that Taehyung has already become Jungkook's entire life. The wolf lycan's life now revolves around Taehyung.

As Yoongi goes around his apartment, cleaning it up, he watches Jungkook quietly pull his phone out and stare at it like he is contemplating something. After a few moments of staring, Jungkook slowly types a few things with the utmost concentration and care.

Yoongi watches as Jungkook stares at his phone, waiting for a response. When his phone dings, Jungkook's eyes instantly light up. Yoongi softly smiles as he watches Jungkook quickly respond to Taehyung's message. Despite the hell you have faced your entire life, you are sweet and adorable.

While Jungkook presses more emojis on the screen, the calico hops into his lap and curls up. Jungkook's eyes widen as he looks at the cat in his lap. Gulping nervously, he glances at Yoongi. He is afraid that the calico's mate will be upset, but he is surprised to see that Yoongi does not seem to care.

When the calico's blue and green eyes look up at him, Jungkook timidly reaches out to pet the small cat. The calico purrs when Jungkook's hand gently pets his head. Hearing the calico's purrs, Jungkook's eyes widen, and he moves his hand down to gently scratch under the calico's chin.

"How Taehyung human? You lycan?" Jungkook quietly asks as he glances at Yoongi.

"Tae's Eomma found me as a kitten in an alley. I was around four years old when she found me. She was pregnant with Tae at the time. She said that I was in my kitten form and was yowling. She said that my cries were so loud that she could hear me from her apartment, so she came out to find me. I had injuries all over my body, and I had been starving. Without hesitation, she took me in even though she knew I was a lycan. She raised me as her son. When Tae was old enough to go to school, she registered me as her house pet so that I could go to school with Tae. Since I was starved as a kitten, Tae and I looked the same age. We told people we were twins. All throughout school, no one realized that I was a lycan. Eomma raised me to be human. I was only ever in my cat form within the safety of our home." Yoongi explains as he sits next to Jungkook on the couch.

"Where your Eomma?" Jungkook asks with big eyes, wanting to meet the kind human who raised a lycan as her own son.

"She died when we were in high school." Yoongi sorrowfully smiles as he thinks about his kind mother.

"Oh. Sad." Jungkook whispers with a small frown.

"She was the best mother anyone could ever ask for." Yoongi softly smiles as the memories of his mother fill his mind. "Tae is like Eomma. He never treats us as less." He hums and reaches over to pet his mate. "When I found Jimin and brought him home, Tae instantly registered him to protect him. Both Jimin and I are registered as his house pets. He even has three degrees because of me. He has a bachelor's in business, a bachelor's in music composition, and a bachelor's in animal care. His business degree is so that he can have a job, while his music composition degree is because he read a small note I had written and hidden. I had always dreamed of composing, so he applied for the degree so that I could attend classes with him. And his animal care degree is so that he can care for us if we are ever injured or if he finds an injured lycan."

Jungkook's eyes are big as he learns just how kind and loving Taehyung is. He knows that his kind human must be protected at all costs.

"You should court him," Yoongi suggests, surprising the wolf lycan. "You want him as your mate, so court him."

"But human," Jungkook mutters as he nervously buries his fingers in Jimin's soft fur.

"He would love it if you court him. Trust me." Yoongi softly smiles.

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